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Information about NSW Department of Education Technology 4 Learning supporting NSW public schools.
Take a webinar to get empowered with tech and develop digital classroom skills. Ask the experts anything about Apple, Microsoft, Google, STEM and creative topics.
Find all the latest resources available to support teachers with Professional Learning and teaching and learning.
Read the latest magazine.T4L issue to find out more about how to incorporate educational technology in your classroom.
T4L Kids magazine is a self-guided independent learning resource created by teachers for students. It can be used either in class or as a work from home resource. The magazine aims to provide students with purposeful challenges that engage them in creating content using technology.
news.T4L is a useful tool for school ICT Coordinators and staff interested in using technology for teaching, learning and school administration.
How is technology changing education? Read the latest innovation news and how to incorporate educational technology in your classroom.
Simply use your voice to dictate your text on an iPad.
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Use your voice to dictate your text on a Mac.
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