NSW DoE has partnered with Service NSW to introduce School Visitor Check-in, a streamlined, digital school sign-in system for visitors and staff from 18 October. In preparation, SAMs and SAOs are joining this Yammer community to access all the tools, resources and support needed to introduce the new system. Here's how it works:
1. Everybody, except students, check-in using their Service NSW app, or through a webform.
2. The school instantly receives the visitor record in their School Check-in Logbook - a new platform developed by ITD and available to delegated staff in their Staff Portal.
Once School Visitor Check-in is operational, everyone experiences a check-in that they are familiar with, while delegated school staff get a real-time view of who is on school grounds. The system’s simplicity has been designed with administrative efficiency in mind. The pilot at 39 schools showed that this frees up staff to focus on important tasks, streamlines manual security and compliance tasks , accelerates visitor check-ins, and links directly to official COVID-19 contact tracing processes.