What does telepresence look like in the classroom?
Why would you use telepresence?
Learn more
Find out how you can access a telepresence robot for a student in your school or classroom
The Technology 4 Learning team have a small fleet of robots that can be accessed by NSW Public Schools on a first come, first served basis. If you can see a need for a robot to support your school or student, complete the application form and the team will be in touch to discuss the suitability of telepresence in your setting.
Further resources
- The use of telepresence robots in the classroom is governed by the Department’s Live Video Guidelines page
- To connect with other schools and teachers using telepresence in the classroom, join the Telepresence Community in MS Teams
- For technical information and support resources access the stem.T4L Learning Library
- For all other enquires contact the stem.T4L support team