This issue of news.T4L is the first edition without its beloved creator, Stu Hasic.
The T4L team are deeply devastated, as are our community of teachers and school support staff who have had the privilege of interacting with Stu in one way or another.
Stu’s reach was far and wide and his ICT capacity-building across our school communities was unparalleled. We have been inundated with messages from schools, principals and teachers, with reflections on the impact of Stu’s support, throughout his 30+ year career in the NSW DoE.
Stu's biggest passion was to celebrate, support and share the good work of teachers in technology across our organisation. We hope to continue to build on his amazing legacy, of which we know he would be humbled. We are confident Stu would want news.T4L to continue, so please expect issues to be released in Weeks 3, 6 and 9.
To us, he was our fountain of knowledge, our colleague and our friend, and we will miss him dearly.
Vale Stu.