19 Oct 2022

T4L loves animals!
T4L Kids Issue 11 is all about the world of amazing animals. Meet our cover star, Matilda the therapy dog, and go behind the scenes for a day in her busy working life at a Sydney school. Catch up with Microlight Milly, a zoologist flying around Australia following migratory shorebirds at a bird’s-eye level. T4L also chats with deadly scientist Corey Tutt and follows the Tassie Devil trail with illustrator Max Hamilton.
There are three exciting challenges for students who are keen to explore animals, raise awareness of an animal issue or boost their next animal project! These include creating a campaign for animals, designing a 3D animal habitat and designing an animal infographic. Students have everything they need to tackle these challenges with tech.
T4L Kids is a great independent cross-curricular learning resource for Stages 2-4 and can also be used as part of a guided learning program in your classroom. Teachers - check out the teacher notesfor more ideas to use the magazine, with plenty of literacy and fun activities for your classroom.