eT4L and Universal Desktop Manager are the platforms that have been used to manage devices in schools since 2012.
An F12 rebuild is required to make Windows devices function within the Department of Education. Follow the steps in the rebuild guide to help successfully prepare your schools devices.
Building and rebuilding using the eT4L server
When you receive your Windows devices they will not be configured for action, they need to be built via the eT4L server at your school. It is also recommended that you rebuild your devices at least once a year or when a new operating system is released.
Follow the steps in the video below or view the rebuild guide.
Managing your fleet using the software catalogue and UDM
Using the Universal Desktop Management (UDM) system you can manage your fleet of Windows devices simply and easily. This tool enables you to update the operating system, add or remove programs and more.
Useful links
Note: If you are familiar with the ‘Manage my/staff access’ utility it can also handle this process.
More detailed information
Now that you have your devices setup, software installed and more, you might want to go further. Check out the links below for more detailed information: