Technology 4 Learning

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Adobe Premiere Pro

What is it used for:

  • Film editing, cutting and trimming and all common video editing tasks.
  • Special effects.
  • Motion graphics.
  • Editing High Definition video.
  • Combining multi media and creating multi modal work-samples.
  • Producing broadcast quality film content.
  • Keyframing.
  • Adding subtitles.
  • Plus loads more!

Tell me more:

  • Used in industry by professionals (Marvel blockbusters over the past few years were edited with Premiere Pro).
  • Use of the tool is recognised as a standalone skill by: production firms, news stations, marketing professionals, design firms and anyone working in a role that involves video editing, production management, marketing and media design.
  • Many of the videos you watch everyday have been produced with Premiere Pro. ‘Youtubers’ and professional media producers choose Premiere Pro.