13 Oct 2023

Make Cyber Security Awareness Month this October fun and exciting by attending our informative and engaging series of live events for students and tailored PL sessions for teachers and school leaders. You can also select from our suite of on-demand lessons for primary and high schools with interactive Minecraft Education activities and cyber security challenges.
Upcoming classroom events
- Ollie Online (K-2): learn with song and dance what it takes to be safe online
- S.T.A.R.T to take control (K-2): learn to be safe and responsible users of technology and develop good screen time habits.
- Online resilience (3-4): learn to take control of technology use and manage digital lives.
- Adventures online (3-4): learn strategies to navigate uncomfortable situations online, including cyberbullying
- Be an eSafe Kid: protect yourself (3-6): learn about what you can do to protect yourself online
- Digital Dilemmas (5-6): learn how to keep themselves, friends and family safe online by activating simple profile settings
- Thrive Online (5-6): learn to think critically when consuming content online.
Professional learning
- Responding and reporting critical online incidents - for schools leaders to learn how to manage negative online content to support student wellbeing.
- Panel Discussion – what does a digital citizen of the future look like - for all staff to engage in discussions with the panel and each other about online safety topics. Let us get the conversation started.
- Cyber savvy educator – Digital Wellbeing - for all staff to learn how to implement online safety education in your classroom.