In Week 9 last term, we turned on the option in Microsoft Teams desktop client to try the new version of Teams. Many school and corporate staff flicked the switch, and along with some cosmetic interface changes, discovered a faster, leaner and more reliable Teams experience. Following that extensive user testing, and with Microsoft moving all their future Teams development to the new client, we're now ready to move all users to the new Teams experience. From next Monday morning (20 November), all staff and students that still use the old desktop client, will have the new Teams client automatically deployed. Once ready, users will be prompted to "Switch now" or "Switch when I'm not using Teams".
If a user wants to switch back to the old (classic) version of the Teams desktop client, they will be able to for a limited time. This is done by turning off the "New Teams" toggle in the 3 dots menu at the top-right beside their profile pic.