Newly updated advice on third-party applications and parental consent is now available. Learn what information you need to give parents to satisfy legal and privacy requirements for gaining informed parental consent. You’ll find clear guidance on when schools need parental consent for a student to use an online application and an updated parental consent form template. There’s also information on the applications that we’ve been assessing on your behalf, and details of what data they collect, where it is stored and who they share it with. You’ll be able to copy and paste this information into the consent form. For simplicity, we’ve split applications into three categories:
- Department core applications – no consent required
- Department approved applications – no consent required
- All others – consent required
Core applications are MS Office 365 (including Minecraft Education Edition), Google Workspace, Adobe Creative Cloud and Zoom. Approved applications are those you’ll find on the Online Learning Tools Marketplace and Administration Marketplace Panel for School. We encourage schools to choose from the department approved applications wherever possible, as they have undergone an assessment to ensure they meet syllabus, pedagogy, and data and cyber security requirements. This will ensure schools are using products that are safe and fit for purpose. Is there an application you'd like to see a appear on the marketplace? Email marketplace@det.nsw.edu.au and they will advise the vendor about the process.