Technology 4 Learning

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news.T4L archive

news.T4L - all prior issues since 2015!

news.T4L is published three times each term and collectively is a useful tool for school ICT Coordinators and staff interested in using technology for teaching, learning and school admin. This archive will grow as each new issue is released. External links may also change from time to time so it is understandable that links from older articles may no longer work.

TIP! If you're looking for a past article about something specific - try pressing Ctrl+F then entering your search term. eg. 'calendar' OR 'Intune'.

The Beginning Teacher Tech Guide is back | Canva’s back-to-school templates | New Adobe tutorials and webinars | Safer Internet Day is coming soon! | Local administrative privileges | DO NOT DISTURB | NAPLAN 2025 updates | Lenovo Device Update | Why should I consider student privacy? | Back to school with Apple | Back to school with Google | Single Sign On (SSO) process with Canva

Intune and CDM are here | Leave these ON over summer | Turn these OFF over summer | Security updates on devices | eT4L: How hot is too hot in the server room? | New applications in AssessedIT | Cybermarvel online safety toolkits | Apple back to school 2025 | NAPLAN 2025 preparation | Managing your focused inbox | Update from Adobe | Celebrating 2024 with Canva | 2025 Google’s Back to School webinar series

Try out NSWEduChat | Intune and CDM update | Get your 2025 calendar | Administration Marketplace Panel for Schools (AMPS) | End of year with Canva | Apple Swift Student Challenge | New applications in AssessedIT | Accessibility on Chromebooks | Polls in Microsoft Outlook | Students leaving NSW DoE | Access to user accounts when leaving the department | Keep your account secure 

Farsight and PDQ: A message for TSOs | Windows 11 upgrade | Free internet for eligible families | Technology for all - your guides to inclusive and assistive tech | Speech recognition | Google Jamboard phased out | New Applications in AssessedIT | Minecraft Education: new Space Exploration Experiences | Inclusive Learning Environments with Apple | Technology forum success | Google for Education training series | Adobe for Education Wednesday Webinars

Ensure appropriate use of student email addresses | Sydney Google Summit | Free internet for eligible families | Canvas is now on EdBuy | Discover the new Microsoft Forms | T4L Computer Equipment Rollout – ordering closes next week | Transition to High School report | Boost skills with Canva Certifications | Cybersecurity - everyone’s responsibility | Enhancing student communication with Speaker Progress | Reducing Adobe pop-ups

T4L Computer Equipment Rollout (T4L CER): commencing soon | eT4L Config Manager upgrade | Student Groups Coming to Google Classroom! | Term 3 T4L magazines are out now! | Apple Smart Script on iPad | Chromebook update change | Level up your Canva skills | ARTEXPRESS Virtual is back! | Windows 10 in DoE Update | Be aware of new scams | Free creative tools for education

Canva is getting a glow-up | Jamboard is retiring! | Images in Practice Sets | Minecraft Education new homegrown lesson: Eco Detectives | Apple Worldwide Developers Conference | Upcoming events in Term 3 | Apple device lifecycle management | New Microsoft tools | Build good cyber citizens with Cybermarvel

Canva Brand Designer access | LinkedIn Learning licence | Adobe updates | Windows 11 upgrade available | Embed questions into a video | Reading Progress in Teams | Scout NAPLAN reports | Submit your trusted websites | Discover Canva’s new features for NSW DoE Schools | Mandatory cyber security training | Advanced Google features | Stu's commemorative morning | Subscribe to Stu's YouTube

AssessedIT’s new Technical Rating | Windows 11 | New resources for MS Teams | EBS system decommissioned from all schools | Adobe updates | Apple Professional Learning live | Microsoft OneNote | Hidden Grayware | Dropbox phishing scam | Canva Brand Kit access | Apple iMovie - Storyboards

With great sadness we farewell our friend Stu Hasic | Adobe update | Windows 11 update | EBS decommissioning completing mid-Term 2 | Zoom contract has ended | New podcasting resources | Term 2 professional learning | Choose your own adventure | Server and UPS replacement initiative | Sign up for the Canva for Education newsletter | Sharing personal and sensitive information safely online | School Website Service meetup | 2023-2024 T4L CER is closed

T4L Rollout: Confirm your school's deliveries | T4L events in Term 2 | School Visitor Check-in App | Google Jamboard: end of life | Try Canva Whiteboard! | What happens when you delete a Microsoft Team? | Google Classroom templates | Handy MS Forms updates | Get to know your Mac | Easter eggs and backups! | Beware of remote access scams! | Where are we up to with Win 11? | Ever used a stem.T4L kit?

Create a successful NAPLAN – Get ready early! | What are Classwork modules? | It's the stem.T4L Podcasting kit! | Reminder: Guest WiFi in school | EBS decommissioning update | "Sign up with Google" - changes for students | Craft your lessons in Canva! | Discover Apple Classroom | Free Google monthly webinars | Imagine Cup Junior is on now! | Get assistance from our Digital Support Team! | The end of MS Publisher is near | How to share a Brightcove video

Simplify the parental consent process with AssessedIT | Capturing photos to the cloud | EBS decommissioning update | It's a magazine.T4L trifecta! | Level up your online safety | NAPLAN is coming soon - and there are some changes. Get ready! | Managing your cloud classrooms | Apple Swift student challenge | Adobe Wednesday webinars! | Screen video capture? Try Stream | What is the School Student Broadband Initiative? | Chromebook Location change | F12 all new Windows devices

Celebrating Digital Classroom Officers | Reminder: Zoom is ending | Do you really know Google Meet? | Windows 11 F12 Rebuilds | Tried Immersive Reader yet? | Get ready for Safer Internet Day 2024 | Managing your cloud classrooms | Apple Professional Learning | Leave these ON over Summer | What you should turn OFF | Security Updates: Prep your devices before school resumes | eT4L: How hot is too hot? | All ICT Thoughts in one place!

It's time to switch to the new Microsoft Teams desktop client! | Windows 11 via F12 update | Why use Microsoft Reflect? | Students can create eBooks! | Simplifying ChromeOS updates | What's new in the Manage Staff Access (MSA) app? | T4L Rollout deliveries update | Basic tech troubleshooting | Term 4: Minecraft learning journey | Adobe Creative Educator | What happens to your user account and access if you leave NSW DoE? | MS Authenticator app | Week 8 is Scams Awareness Week

Windows 11 is coming for all schools via F12 build! | 2024 School Weeks calendar | Updated eT4L USB boot stick | Minecraft: classroom tips | Do visitors need WiFi access? | Cyber Security Awareness Month | Zoom contract ends in December | New term, new scams | Minecraft and Sway in UDM | MS Stream Classic ending | Get inspired with these new T4L publications! | EBS decommissioning starts | Students leaving NSW DoE

Have you switched to the brand new Teams client? | Jamf Pro licence renewal | Easy video editing on Windows | Viva Engage tech communities | Live audience polls in Powerpoint | Keep up with the latest Google updates with EDU in 90 | Minecraft Education for all! | MS Whiteboard - Templates! | Should you "Allow Notifications"? | Phone and remote control scams | Unexpected MFA codes? | Update: Mobile phones at school | Prepping T4L Windows devices

Welcome to the 100th issue of news.T4L! | Sharing files in Microsoft 365 | Plan for device obsolescence | Creating fillable PDF forms | Acrobat Reader or Acrobat? | What's Google Web Designer? | T4L Rollout: what comes next? | Beware of Ransomware! | NSW Student Learning Library | Minecraft Teacher Academy! | Cybermarvel is back for 2023! | Update: Mobile phones at school | Viva Hot Spots hit 100!

T4L Rollout - Ordering window opens! | Ready for Canva Single Sign-on? | Classwork in MS Teams! | Videos in Teams meetings | Free Foundation fonts! | The PDP has gone Digital! | T4L Kids: Minecraft edition | Get the latest magazine.T4L! | Swap teachers in G Classroom | Try Canva's Bulk Create! | Power adapters/chargers in computer carts | Update: Mobile phones at school | An update from the T4L team: Joachim Cohen

Single sign-on is coming to Canva for Education! | Social Media Toolkit | Win 10 v22H2 progress | Reminder: Chrome extensions | Opportunities with Adobe | Artificial intelligence safeguards | Our FIRST Yammer Live Event! | What's MS Transformation? | Fake Windows Defender alert | On-demand T4L webinars | Have you discovered Cameo in PowerPoint yet? | T4L podcast: The first scientists | 3D Print Doctor in the house

Windows 10 v22H2 is here for all schools! | The T4L Rollout is coming! | D.O.A. devices: New advice | Updating your phone system? | Self-paced Jamf Pro guides | 175 years of public education in NSW! | New Surface devices on EdBuy | T4L: Chromebook management | Transitioning off EBS | T4L: The 3D Print Doctor | High school mobile phone ban | What's Viva Hot Spots? | T4L Google Classroom webinar

Google Practice Sets - now available! | stem.T4L: Insta360 Pro 2 | Set your own default browser | Reminder: EBS access change | New podcast: Brewongle EEC | Transform 2023 with Microsoft 365 | Troubleshooting F12 Rebuilds | New Minecraft Education lessons | Mandatory cyber security PL | Jamf Pro licences on EdBuy | Managing Ethernet adapters | Share the Term 2 issue of T4L Kids magazine with students now! | Get the latest magazine.T4L | Adobe resources and PL in May

Tell us about any locally-developed ICT initiatives at your school! | MS Store for Education closing | Girls in STEM 2023 | Refreshed interfaces for Google | Wi-Fi issues? Look up! | The NSW Student Learning Library | Google Classroom icon in Portal | eT4L Config Manager upgrade | stem.T4L kit: Junior explorer | Sway with students | Get the Term 1 issue of T4L Kids magazine | 30 creative Apple activities | Back up your files today!

Online applications and informed parental consent | NAPLAN Online: Device prep | Windows 10 v20H2 needs to go | Sharing files in Google Drive | Join these Yammer tech groups! | Preparing for Pre-service teacher placements - UPDATED | What is Bookings with Me? | Microsoft Visio on the web! | Devices with AppleCare | Enrolling Chromebooks advice | Troubleshooting: Why does Adobe Acrobat DC refuse to install via UDM? | Acrobat DC after an F12 Rebuild | T4L Learning on-demand!

Google Workspace for Education PLUS - for all staff | MS Store for Education closing | Student privacy: Online providers | Term 1 webinars from T4L! | Text too small in Outlook desktop? | Avoid long email discussions | Reset your password via Mobile | Safer Internet Day 2023 | Decommissioning RDS | Your school's server room | Discover the new Filming kit | Share the Beginning Teacher Tech Guide! | Brand new stem.T4L kits! | 3D Print library - podcast

Connect. Reflect. Protect. | Check T4L's latest podcast | Minecraft - Escape Estate | Are staff leaving your school? | Are you changing schools? | Dealing with brand new 'Dead on arrival' devices | Back to school with Apple | Reminder: RDS decommissioning | Leave these ON over Summer | What you should turn OFF | Windows security updates: Prep your devices before school resumes | What about batteries in devices? | All ICT Thoughts in one place!

Administration Marketplace Panel for Schools | Financial Literacy Challenge! | Prepping your new devices | Watch YouTube without ads | Minecraft in High Schools | Celebrate Computer Science Education Week with STEM2022 On demand! | Did you miss T4L Kids Unpacked? | Adding to the school's network? | Dust destroys devices | Don't forget DART Learning! | Get set for the Hour of Code with T4L resources! | AI in education - research | T4L Learning on demand

Book in now to start your day with 15 tips in 15 minutes! | 2023 school weeks calendar | Latest stem.T4L Research | What's Google Read Along? | Are you an Adobe Champion? | Prepare your students to be safe online! | Get the latest T4L Kids magazine! | Remote access to school | Jamf and Chromebook Licences | Are you using Canva yet? | Students leaving NSW DoE schools | Chrome browser auto-updates | School mobile phones

T4L Computer Equipment Rollout: Ordering closes this Friday | 20H2 to 21H2 in-place upgrades | Student privacy: online providers | How many is too many Teams? | Apple Education Community | Preparing for Teacher Education students | New MS Surface devices on EdBuy | Apple Caching Server working? | Upgrading Windows hardware | Don't ignore network fault lights | Get connected with issue 21 of magazine.T4L | Google sign-on change | T4L Rollout feedback

T4L Computer Equipment Rollout | 20H2 to 21H2 in-place upgrade | What's BioBlitz 2022? | A public Team? Think again. | Files Anywhere, Anytime | Book in now to start your day with 15 tips in 15 minutes! | VC equipment: end of life | New stem.T4L kits in 2023! | Sharing YouTube videos with K-2 | Easy logon for juniors on iPad | Yammer Hot Spots is back live from this afternoon! | T4L podcast: The MLD series | Three quick tech bytes...

School Visitor Check-in concierge devices are on their way! | Foundation font in Google Docs | Canvas LMS: ICT Agreement | Google Classroom: 404 error | DETNSW monthly clean-up | T4L Kids: Transport app challenge! | Web Filter Check update | Join us for Book Week 2022 | Apple iPad: Engaging Primary learners | Apple Technical: On-demand | Book now for Cybermarvel 2022 | Canvas: a school perspective | Instant Chat across NSW DoE

eWaste options for schools | Zoom access continues! | In-place upgrades progressing | Logging a call? Take a photo | Keep safe on social media | How do you currently access your work email on personal devices? | Mandatory Cyber Security PL | 2021-22 T4L Rollout complete! | What can you use at home? | Apple: Engaging Stage 4 students | Electrical safety and notebook/tablet trolleys or carts | A free sign for your carts | Report scheduled power outages

Windows 10 v21H2 in-place upgrades for v1909 devices | Browser extensions changes | YouTube Restricted Mode K-10 | Know your device's warranty | EdConnect follow-up | Protecting staff from malicious links and attachments in email and Teams | Merge Cubes in stem.T4L kit! | Get efficient with email | Have you tried restarting? | Apple technical sessions | Get the latest issues of magazine.T4L and T4L Kids! | Adding to the school network? | Expired Chromebooks

Windows 10 v21H2 for schools via F12 build | Apple iPad in the Early Years | Get a stem.T4L kit for Term 3! | Photoshop/Premiere Elements | NAPLAN Online: device prep | T4L Subscribers: Changes to email notifications | Common laptop faults | Laptop triage steps | General tech troubleshooting | Getting onsite/remote support | Have you discovered Yammer Hot Spots? | MLD support expanded | Accessibility Awareness Day

Windows 10 v21H2 for schools via F12 build and in-place upgrade | SSO for all apps on Marketplace | I@E schools: Switch User? | Quick T4L news bytes | Chrome to be default browser | Troubleshooting: Why does Adobe Acrobat DC refuse to install via UDM? | Parent-Teacher meeting in Teams | Acrobat DC after an F12-Rebuild | Universal Resources Hub | Great Makecode updates! | "Plus" addressing now enabled in Exchange Online | New Scans folder cleanup | Can you spare 2 mins for T4L?

Online learning tools marketplace | Chrome to be set as default | Your school's server room | T4L Rollout - deliveries | Prepping T4L Windows devices | In-place upgrades for Windows 10 v1909 devices | Let's talk about Chromebook AUE | No such thing as a free piano | What's Chrome OS Flex? | What's Creative Cloud Express? | Google Workspace: MORE system-generated school groups | Grab magazine.T4L issue 19 now! | T4L Kids #8 is out!

Google Delegated Admin for all schools! | Digital Learning Resources Hub | Transform 2022 with Microsoft 365 | SketchUp Pro licence changes | T4L Rollout deliveries update | Safer Internet Day activities | Chromebook enrolment change | Student privacy: Online providers | Microsoft Stream is changing | eMailmerge from School account | T4L Tech Tools Catalogue | Don't forget LinkedIn Learning | Valentines Day cleanout!

2021/22 T4L Rollout: Update: Ordering closes this Friday | Google Delegated Admin | Push Student Portal shortcuts | Sign up for news.T4L alerts | Dust destroys devices | Hour of Code - get students onboard | Are staff leaving your school? | Are you changing schools? | Leave these ON over Summer | What you should turn OFF | What about batteries in devices? | Google Blogger for students | New magazine.T4L & T4L Kids

2021/22 T4L Rollout: Update | YouTube Restricted Mode | F12-rebuild: Once-a-year | Chromebook accessibility | Adding to the school's network? | T4L Resources Handbook | Are you an Adobe Champion | It's Scams Awareness Week | 2022 School weeks calendar | Technical Apple events | Upcoming learning events | Case study: Girls in STEM | Disinfecting shared devices

T4L Rollout: Ordering in T4 | Google Meet for students! | Adobe changes for K-6 students | The new Student Portal! | stem.T4L: A three year journey | New T4L Kids and magazine.T4L | EDConnect: Quick Tips! | Are you a Cybermarvel? | Autofill in Google Workspace | Email.Modernisation update | A single School Check-in for NSW | Farewell Windows 10 v1809 | Apple M1 Mac now on EdBuy

news.T4L has a brand new home! | Getting started with Canva | Adobe enterprise changes | Securing corporate applications | Photoshop / Premiere Elements | Email.Modernisation starts this week! | MS Teams on old iOS | Creative iPad activities for kids | Chrome OS v92 is coming | Internet Explorer 11... | Accessibility and Podcasting events | Windows 10 v1809 and 1909 | Using Live video with students

Email.Modernisation project | Outlook desktop app for all staff | Remote access for all school staff | Vimeo is open to all students | Recording school ICT equipment | Fix your name online! | Disinfecting devices after use | Children and social media | Science Week webinars for S3/4 | Don't forget Virtual Book Week! | Canva on The Virtual Staffroom | Learn with T4L THIS WEEK!

Ready for Canva for Education? | QRGs for Learning from Home | Remote access to school server | T4L Learning Pathways | UDM Custom comments field | YouTube is open to all students | Minecraft webinars this week! | Phishing? Vishing? Smishing? | stem.T4L Learning on Demand | Be a Google Certified Innovator | Our latest T4L mags! | SketchUp Pro 2021 for home use | LinkedIn Learning renewed!

Windows 10 v1607/1709 rebuilds | In-place upgrade for WIn 10 v1809 | Get your devices ready for IPU | YouTube unblocked for stage 4/5 | NSW DoE: Protect yourself online | Apple Caching Server on EdBuy | Student Digital Portfolios | Signed MS Office Macros | Photo Libraries on Google Drive | Photo Libraries on MS Teams | Microsoft School Transformation | LinedIn Learning certificates | HP devices - in stock!

Old Windows removal update | You MUST sign into Adobe titles | Chrome OS v88 delayed | Acrobat Reader or Acrobat DC? | Quicker onboarding for new staff | Photoshop 2020 back in UDM | Still want LinkedIn Learning? | F12 Pre-flight drivers check | Student Filmmaker resources | iPad in the Early Years classroom | Removal of Flash and Java clients | Old Apple devices buy-back | Free eSafety PL for teachers | Telstra contact guide for schools

Windows 10 20H2 is here! | Old Windows 10 at end of life | Chrome OS v88 for Chromebooks | Mobile Phone number in Portal? | New stem.T4L kit available now! | SWS and the new Parent app | LinkedIn Learning service ending | Skype for Business closing down | Adobe PhotoShop 2021 and RAM | magazine.T4L is OUT NOW! | Legacy EdAlive software titles | New stem.T4L Research | Virtual Apple PL to get started | T4L Virtual Staffroom podcast

T4L Rollout update | Managing your storage on eT4L | Piloting new tech for Term 2! | Minecraft:EE licences required | Week 9 T4L PL opportunities | Edge Chromium coming soon | eT4L Tier 1 updates | SketchUp Pro 2021 for home use | Google Drive for Desktop | Harmony and Progress | FREE Augmented Reality on iPad | Embedding STEM @Jamison HS

2020-21 T4L rollout | stem.T4L: New research released | T4L rollout: Device webinars | Staff portal app updates | New email banner alerts | New NAP Locked Down Browser | Moving from SMART Notebook 11? | Secured Internet Edge: WiFi calls | Information Security awareness | School websites spotlight | Adding to the school network | F12-building a non-standard PC | Get the latest magazine.T4L

2020-21 T4L rollout: update | Quick BYOD connection guides | New enrolment usernames | Is your school taking on BYOD? | Kickoff 2021? T4L has your back! | Join in for Safer Internet Day | T4L: Top Tech Tips! | Free MS School Transformation | Flash is now blocked: impacts | How to get MS Office for home | Learning with Google: event | Have any staff left your school? | Don't forget LinkedIn Learning! | Have you changed schools?

Google G Suite or MS Office 365? | Tech tip: Get your eT4L USB stick | Information Security awareness | What's in your eT4L File Shares? | Want a 2021 Outlook calendar? | Get 2021 on Google Calendar! | Leave these ON over Summer | What you should turn OFF | Get the latest magazine.T4L! | What about batteries? | Term 1 SDD: T4L PL Livestreams | DoE Procurement specials | Avoidable device failures | Kick-off 2021 with free iPad PL

Introducing: Rural Access Gap | Adobe Creative Cloud on eT4L | New model Apple Macs in DoE | Manage My Access launched! | 3rd-party software in 2021 | Students that leave NSW DoE | Reminder: T4L Rollout in Term 1 | Book T4L sessions for your SDDs | Updated your iPad WiFi certs? | Augmented Reality on iPad | eT4L Tier 1 updates | EduTECH 2020 on-demand! | 3D Printers and Drones at school

Adobe Creative Cloud is FREE! | EduTech 2020: Free tickets | EduTECH for ICT Coordinators | eT4L: Windows 10 v1909 | NEW: Android Staff Portal app | 2020/21 T4L Rollout update | New HP models on EdBuy | Get ready for Manage My Access | Great Microsoft PL in Term 4 | Get a stem.T4L kit for Term 1 | Accessibility is so important! | New Wi-Fi Certs for Apple devices | Email security in NSW DoE | FTP Software share is moving

Streamlined.Logon: is here! | Want a nice browser home page? | 2020/21 T4L Rollout | Run your own Zoom webinars | WeVideo: Our new stem.T4L kit! | Set up your Teams appropriately | Broken power port on BLUE HPs | Connected Classroom phone | Broken power port on RED HPs | Google's Applied Digital Skills | Disinfecting devices after use | T4L kids: Our ScFi edition | Did you miss the T4L Expo?

Standardised.Logon: complete! | Autromatic access to applications | What is Streamlined.Logon? | New web apps to manage access | Check your blue HP notebooks | New Staff Portal iOS app! | Capturing nature at its best! | Updating old Windows versions | Google Meet in schools | Minecraft: EE now open to all! | Apple: Teaching code | New T4L podcast! | LinkedIn Learning pathway | T4L Virtual Expo | Brand NEW: T4L Kids TV!

Standardised.Logon: ALL STAFF | stem.T4L's Global Award | Apple Mac Management | T4L - Where to next? | Personal digital security | Technology in Focus | School storing files in the cloud | Easier on-boarding of new staff | Common laptop "faults" | Hurry! Microsoft PL closing! | PPT and Google Slides templates | Don't forget: LinkedIn Learning | Voice typing in G Suite / O365

ICT PLUS - Release 2.9 updates | SharePoint Spaces now available | SharePoint Spaces webinars | Notebook devices on EdBuy | Standardised.Logon kicks off | Top 5 tips for digital citizenship | MFA starts on June 24 | Chrome OS v80 for Chromebooks | Why some O365 tools don't work | eT4L Tier 1 updates | eT4L Config Manager upgrade

Third-party software for schools | Rising to the challenge | T4L Kids - Our newest magazine | On the hunt for T4L All-Stars | New stem.T4L kit released | Free Tynker and CoSpaces EDU | Data security ALERT! | Are you a change champion? | Multi-factor authentication | New Web Filter Check tool | The end of Windows 7 in schools | YouTube filter reinstated | Join us for Yammer Hot Spots! | Update your Zoom app to v5

Learning on demand | 2020 T4L Awards changes | Is yours a T4L All-Star school? | Manage staff access - update | MFA: Privacy and protection | YouTube is open to students | Recording online meetings | Sharing YouTube videos better | Screen recording with Zoom | Deploying iPad: Remote sessions | Using MS OneNote effectively | NESA-accredited SMART Suite | Keeping your Windows PC happy | eT4L Server - VSS Backup change

SECURITY: Staff passwords | Make your T4L Awards entry! | MFA: Protecting your work profile | Learning from home | Neverware CloudReady in DoE | New Apple devices in EdBuy | HP Desktops unavailable in EdBuy | NESA-accredited G Suite webinars | Customer-induced damage | Need to upskill on Microsoft tools? | HP Probook G1/G2 power port | MS Teams - Your first steps | Old Windows devices in schools | Digital Citizenship poster

Schools Digital Strategy | 2020 T4L Awards now open! | Plan your awards entry! | NSW DoE bandwidth boost | Secured Internet Edge update | Get your T4L Calendar for term 2 | MS Office change in Macros feature | Jamf School or Jamf Pro? | New eSafety Toolkit for schools | stem.T4L Immersive VR kits | eT4L Tier 1 updates | Tech at Terara Public School | Adobe SSO change on-hold | A FIeld Trip to the Apple Store | Renewing your Adobe WAH

Make 2020 your year of EdTech | Mobile devices in schools policy | T4L face-to-face events in Term 1 | Manage Staff Access app | DoE password-reset self-service | MS Office for home use. Confused? | Sign-On using DoE accounts | Where has Acrobat DC gone? | Google Drive File Stream fix | Google Classroom - Originality | Microsoft Surface Pro 7 on EdBuy | SketchUp Pro 2019 via UDM | Getting started with technology | Want to go in-depth with Teams? | Apple Tech Tour workshops

Secured Internet Edge update | What about Windows 10 v1607? | Leave these ON over Summer | HP Probook 11 G1/G2 power port | Stay Cyber-aware over the break | What you should turn OFF | What about batteries? | Surface GO tablets now on EdBuy | Latest magazine.T4L out now! | Staff leaving your school? | 2020 Student Rollover outages | Are YOU changing schools? | T4L Month of Code - livestream | The final T4L Show of 2019!

stem.T4L: new research released | Students leaving NSW DoE schools | Book a stem.T4L kit for 2020 | The old Student Portal is closing | DID YOU KNOW? - video channel | Our eT4L managed Windows fleet | Have you NEVER tried Yammer | interactED: Access all areas | The new website | eT4L Tier 1 updates | Will Office 2019 be on UDM | Safer Internet Day 2020 | Microsoft Teams updates | magazine.T4L - issue 3 | Telstra contacts for schools

Month of Code | T4L Rollout update | Windows 10 v1809 in our schools | Win 10 v1809 and old hardware | Heightened risk: Phishing attacks | magazine.T4L issue 2 | Student BYODs with Win 7? | Yammer use in NSW DoE | Teacher feedback needed | No more | interactED: Access all Areas | Microsoft Office Hours - webinars | interactED: Coffs Harbour | Claim your school on Google Maps | The T4L Show: new episode!

Place your T4L Rollout order now! | Windows 10 v1809 - next Monday! | What comes with Win 10 v1809? | ICT PLUS+ improvements | How are we all going with Win 7? | eT4L Config Manager upgrade | Apple Caching Server updates | Chrome is now eT4L Tier 1 | Dropbox client removal | In Sydney? Come to T4L Expo! | Bridgit to be decommissioned | Minecraft, PBL and Kingscliff PS | Join us in Dubbo for interactED | Headspace: FREE for school staff | Check the latest T4L Show!

2019 T4L Rollout kicks off week 7! | What an amazing conference! | ICT PLUS+ with delegation | EdBuy is now LIVE! | User Logon Experience delayed | Real-life collaboration in DoE | Dropbox security breaches | Free Tynker webinar | Is it OK to use YouTube in class? | magazine.T4L - The first issue | Check out Microsoft's Tech Lab!

2019 T4L Rollout is coming | A conference not to miss | ICT PLUS+ now available! | Manage iPads & Macs with Jamf! | Staff logon changes - almost here! | EdBuy goes live on 26 August! | DoE Digital Learning Selector | Windows 7: We're below 29,000 | Track Google Sites with Analytics | Introducing stem.T4L | Internet Edge starts next week! | Are you a whiz with G Suite? | Parent's guide to Online Safety | Adobe work-at-home update

T4L Awards - WINNERS! | Manage Apple devices with Jamf! | New Acer models now available! | Staff user logon - it's changing! | SSO and your data security | New DELL devices for schools! | Windows 7 - Time to get serious | Base and intermediate laptops | Internet Edge: All systems go! | School Counsellor tech update | Win a $5,000 STEM grant | eT4L Tier 1 updates | Melbourne City in Minecraft | Adobe work-at-home changes

Staff user logon changes | T4L Awards - what's next? | Our new portals have landed | Windows 7 and Office 2010 | New T4L website launch! | EduTECH is THIS WEEK! | Hangout with Google's EDU team | interactED: Final call for a spot | Schedule a meeting in Teams | Ever been to a TeachMeet? | Digital Citizenship in DoE | Deploy Minecraft EE via UDM! | Practical uses of MEE in class | It's Phishing Season!

T4L Awards - Is your entry in? | The T4L Show episode 5 | New Apple Caching Server | New Acer devices for schools | ICT PLUS+ for school leaders | EduTECH is June 6-7 | Check your Windows Start button | interactED @ the Gong and Newy | Did Minecraft EE stop working? | STEMShare Community Library | Google Classroom and Workbench | What about Microsoft Forms? | Game Changer Challenge is open! | New T4L Magazine coming!

Win a T4L Award for your school! | New staff and student portals | Worldwide Intel chip shortage | Go WILD at interactED Taronga | Telepresence robots: Trial units | Learning tools selector | Primary eT4L server updates | Assistive Technology resources | Still using Office 2010 or 2013? | A.I. for Good Challenge | Managing eT4L server failure | Searching Yammer for success | ChromeOS v72 for Chromebooks

2019 T4L Awards now open! | Plan your awards entry! | Still using Windows 7 or 8.1? | eT4L 2018/19 Apple Mac builds | STEMShare kits for term 2 | T4L Show - ep. 4 | Game Changer Challenge! | Staff logon changes coming | New NAP Locked Down Browser | You need to get to interactED! | Too many Yammer emails? | eT4L Tier 1 updates | T4L PowerUp! reminder

Make 2019 your Year of Tech | Citrix Receiver on Windows v1709 | Are you an innovative teacher? | We're listening to you | Get Google Certified | Apple supporting DoE schools | Google+ is closing down? | Minecraft EE in 2019 | Turbocharge studying in OneNote | For rural and remote teachers! | STEMShare VR @Greystanes High | Booked a kit for term 2 or 3 yet? | School Website Service update | Using Prowise Presenter yet? | HP devices - stock update | T4L PowerUp! events in term 1

Help us make T4L even better | Leave these ON over Summer | Why did the boot order change? | What you should turn OFF | The end of Windows 7 is coming | What about batteries? | Why you should lock your PC | 2019 Student Rollover outages | Prowise Presenter is now FREE! | Farewell OASIS | Chrome OS v70 for Chromebooks | Google Alerts now enabled | Locked-mode Quizzes in Forms | The T4L Show - episode 2 | Staff leaving your school? | Got time for one last PowerUp? | Are YOU changing schools?

STEMShare kits on Catalogue | SAP Fiori mobile app goes LIVE | Do you lock your PC overnight? | Forgot your DoE password? | Worldwide Intel chip shortage | Save your HP laptop batteries | Adobe CC 2018 for eT4L Macs | Update to Windows 10 v1709! | T4L TV: Scratch inventor interview | T4L TV: Google Sites explained | T4L Power Up! this December | G Suite & Chromebooks webcasts

Windows 10 v1709 now available! | Bring Your OLD Device trial | When should we update to 1709? | Everyone Can Create iPad Guides | Windows User Profile clean-up | Everyone Can Create for teachers | eT4L UDM now shows device OS | Apple Caching Servers in Sept | T4L Rollout update | Secured Internet Edge project | What exactly is Wake-On-LAN? | T4L TV - it's happening! | Minecraft community in term 4 | School Website Service update | MS Surface Pro now available | Quick Google updates | Book a STEMShare kit for 2019

STEMShare kits are on their way! | Minecraft EE for iPad | T4L Rollout update | What is connect.T4L? | Lenovo Chromebook 500e | T4L watchLIVE goes off the air | ChromeOS v66 for Chromebooks | Premier's Coding Challenge | New in Google Classroom | CCS on show at Singleton | The first T4L Sandpit | STEMShare at Bournda EEC | FUTURE.stories: Glenwood High

T4L Rollout ordering portal open | for Stage 6 students | Google G Suite or MS Office 365? | New HP power PC available | STEMShare launch | Tech for students with disabilities | STEMShare bookings extended | Google Tour Creator | CIO Conference presentations | Minecraft EE user group | New MS Teams training resources | The status of SMART Notebook | eT4L managed Mac updates

Book your STEMShare kit! | 2018 T4L Rollout is coming | T4L Semester 1 wrap-up | STEMShare Learning Library | Learning Tools Selector update | What Apple Caching Servers do | Old SWS sites on the move | School Counselling tech survey | Have you booked for interactED? | Finding staff email by first name | New features in MS Teams | Connecting Country Schools update | SharePoint shortcut in Office 365 | Replacing satellite links | EDConnect wants your feedback | NSW Schools Facebook Project | eT4L Tier 1 updates

T4L Awards - WINNERS! | New Staff and Student Portals | REMINDER: Portal logon screen | Get Minecraft EE from Term 3 | Staff mailbox size increases! | Immersive VR and children | Display Name changes in email | Updating your old SWS site | School-based Office 365 Groups | interactED: Dubbo and Coffs | Accessibility and inclusion | Too many OneNote choices? | T4L watchLIVE this week: Adobe | Access DoE email on iPhone/iPad | SBS Insight: Screens at school

T4L Awards - what's next? | Connecting Country Schools: Groups 3&4 | Minecraft EE at Swansea High | Multimedia Solutions for Schools | New interactED dates confirmed | Google Team Drives on iPad | Partner your school with Google | Sign up for Young ICT Explorers | Disabling laptop touch screens | T4L watchLIVE - Apple: Creativity | Don't miss Brekkie this week! | Adobe Connect desktop client

2018 T4L Awards - last chance! | MS Teams - Meet Now enabled | Free EduTECH 2018 tickets | What's Neverware Cloudready? | Free Apple education events | How to F12 the HP Mini PC | New Apple iPad and Pencil | HP Probook 11 power connector | Your eT4L personal home folder | Another Windows 10 milestone | interactED: Newcastle recap | eT4L Tier 1 updates | T4L watchLIVE - Term 2 events | eT4L Config Manager update | Free background music | For your shovel-ready projects

2018 T4L Awards now open! | Last chance to go to Newcastle! | School email name change | New School Website Service | Students emailing their teacher | Claim your school: Google Maps | STEMSHARE update | MoCoWs now on the Catalogue | USB Sticks in schools | Aruba iAP 205 end of sale | Facebook data privacy | Minecraft Early Access event | Orange Sanyo data projectors | T4L watchLIVE - Adobe Connect | Have a Voice - video celebration | New eT4L Apple Caching Servers | New HP Notebooks coming!

STEMSHARE is coming this year! | Miss the Google / MS webcasts? | Maintaining device batteries | Navigating the DoE "intranet" | What's making Chrome go slow? | CCS - Group 2 announced | Moving G Drive to a Team Drive | New HP Chromebook | Help! I lost a file on an eT4L share | Uh oh! I lost a whole folder! | Don't forget interactED!

MS Stream for Office 365 | Introducting T4L watchLIVE | Still using an old PAC file? | How Computers Work: webisodes | Host an Adobe Connect meeting | Adobe Creative Cloud updates | Recovering your entire OneDrive | Meltdown/Spectre vulnerabilities | ChromeOS v63 for Chromebooks | Inspire Innovate is on again | Google Classroom training | Office 365 Education support | Rebuilding Windows 10 via UDM | Finding past T4L articles | Simplify your iPad management

MS Teams for Education | Leave these ON over Summer | What you should turn OFF | Minecraft Early Access program | St Ives North PS - Firestorm | eT4L Primary Server refresh | New T4Lengage content | The Teaching & Learning Toolkit | School Website Service update | ChromeOS v62 for Chromebooks | Brekkie webcast on Wednesday | Staff leaving your school? | iPad management VC recording | Scheduled January eT4L outage | Are YOU changing schools? | OS update limiting over Xmas

Unblocking OS updates | Leichhardt Campus BYOD review | Minecraft Early Access Program | Apple BYOD parent portal | Simplifying iPad management | Apple Webcast: Deploying iPad | Searching Software Catalogue | SharePoint document libraries | EDU.WIN is shutting down | What is Computational Thinking? | Miss our Brekkie webcast? | Acrobat DC for older Win 7 PCs | New T4Lengage content | Adobe Connect with Chrome | Staff repairing faulty IT devices | LEGO Mindstorms courses

New standard Wi-Fi contract | Students as leading learners | Connecting Country Schools | BYOD survey results | T4L device roll out update | Google Drive File Stream | Say farewell to MyFiles | T4L roll out deliveries | eT4L MacOS Build update | Miss the Apple/Google webcasts? | Apple education team update | School Website Service upgrade | Schools with old Windows PCs | Separating DoE and TAFE email | Futures Learning PL in Term 4 | Schools with old servers | FUTURE.stories - 3D Printing | SketchUp for Schools in G Suite | Brekkie with a Tekkie is back! | Renew your Adobe subscription

Your T4L computer device roll out | Robotics at Narranga PS | Quick BYOD survey update | Apple iPads now available! | Apple Care via EDConnect | Google Team Drives for staff | Google Earth Web launched | Join us at our first iPad webcast | Free alternative to AirServer | RODC removal in eT4L schools | Web content search filtering | FUTURE.stories - Wattle Grove PS | Have you set your profile pics? | Adobe digital creativity PL | Apple's Women Leading Learning

SharePoint Online goes live! | STEM at Caringbah PS | Does your school offer BYOD? | 2017/18 T4L Roll out is coming | Teaching online | ChromeOS v60 coming soon | Too many iPad proxy pop-ups? | Makey-Makey | School Servers (RDS) update | Separating DoE and TAFE email | How students can get Adobe CC | So, you've found a USB stick? | Free Apple Learning Academy PL

Enrol your Chromebooks today! | for all DoE staff! | How to access | Broken Hill High using Sway | NAPLAN browser in UDM | EDConnect service catalogue | Film by the Sea Festival 2017 | Lenovo x13Xe Win 10 Wi-Fi issue | DER-built laptops on DETNSW | Digital literacy grants available | Get involved in Moonhack | Create with computers in Coffs | School Servers (RDS) update | Students can add email contacts | - LittleBits

Our days at EduTECH 2017 | What is T4Lengage? | Digital learning resources survey | Chromebook pilot update | Our team at EduTECH 2017 | Citrix Receiver client | Apple Macbook changes | Google's free Toontastic app | Discretionary device price drops | eT4L Tier 1 updates | School Servers (RDS) update | Uluru virtual walks on Street View | Free Adobe webinar this Friday

Chromebook enrolment pilot | New FUTUREtech guides | School Servers (RDS) from home | EduTECH free expo | Google Summit Sydney 2017 | Alternatives to MyFiles | Student DoE mail and GMail app | MS Office free for staff & students | Apple Mobile Device Management | Apple School Manager update | Apple Caching Server monitoring | MS Visual Studio changes | Free eSafety registered PL | eT4L ConfigMgr client update

New DoE Technology website | Wallsend Campus community consultation | More G Suite tools now available! | DoE Chromebook management | MS Sway updates | Third Party Integration project | NSW Public School Finder | Decommissioning MyFiles | Revamp your school's newsletter | Reminder: Old school PAC files | NASA image and video library | Learning how to live online | Protecting your data and privacy | Seesaw app on older iPads fix | Newsletter archive by category

Smashing Windows 10 records! | 2017 HP Notebooks | Merrylands East PS on SBS News | Aruba Wi-Fi in primary schools | Aruba Wi-Fi in high schools | So... G Suite or Office 365? | Google Sites / Keep for students! | MS for everyone! | eT4L Primary server refresh | Adobe package retirements | Secure Proxy Authentication | Still using the old PAC file? | SPA and Apple devices | Seesaw on older iPads | Chrome and Firefox updated | VOIP phones in schools | Busy Teacher: English resources | Instructables: ideas in the making

Using Third Party Software: Risks | Interactive touchscreen panels | Discretionary Hardware update | Collaboration at Nowendoc PS | Looking for a network cabler? | Web Filtering in NSW DoE | Windows 10 on ex-DER laptops | Office 2016 Templates fix | Futures Learning PL options | Computer Science Unplugged | eBackpack closedown | Google Search Education

LMBR applications and Windows 10 | eT4L Primary server refresh | Warranty for eT4L servers | eT4L Windows 10 and OneDrive client | MacOS Sierra at eT4L schools | Apple Caching Server fact sheet | Adobe Trial Licence issue | SPA rollout in primary schools | My Guide - Stay safe online | PDF School Plans - quick lookup | Google G Suite notifications | G Suite Transformation Gallery | DER NSW program close-down | Kids Can Code! - resources | Student web publishing and WiX

eT4L Windows 10 progress | Windows 10 webinar recording | Windows 10 and Software Catalogue | Windows 10 and browsers | The plan for Windows 8.1 | School vacation - What to turn off | What NOT to turn off | Staff leaving your school? | Google Apps is now "G Suite" | Google Sites updated | OSX Sierra at eT4L schools | Important iOS update for iPads | SketchUp Pro 2017 | eT4L Primary server refresh | OS update blocks over Xmas | eT4L Collaboration drive | The Future of Work toolkit | Google PhotoScan app | Satya Nadella and SSC Leichhardt | Computer terms glossary | SPA for primary schools update | Adobe creativity workshops

When to jump to Windows 10? | Win 10 and Software Catalogue | How to setup and F12 HP desktops | The impact of iPad app updates | What about OSX app updates? | Install an Apple Caching Server | Apple OSX Sierra for eT4L | Email mailbox management | Recovering deleted emails | Google Chrome advice | Support for learning technologies | SPA for primary schools update | Kids online research | Helping students get Adobe CC | "No More Ransom" - anti-malware | Learning Environments survey

Creative Cloud for students | Work-at-Home software changes | Futures Learning website | Futures learning Open Days | Adobe Connect maintenance | Learning Tools Selector | SPA for primary schools update | T4L rollout update | EDConnect: HR and Procurement | Phoning EDConnect for IT help | Gol Gol PS and their Tech Girls | thinkDigitalClassroom | Google Certified Educators | Protect your notebook poster | Free Adobe PL for teachers

Windows 10 Pilot update | ITD Strategic Plan 2016 - 2019 | The NBN and NSW public schools | 2016 T4L Rollout update | T4L Rollout deliveries | Adobe software on school PCs | Secure Proxy Authentication | Duck Duck Moose apps go free | Google Classroom and iPads | Communications Technologies 1998 - 2015 infographic | Waking up in Japan | Google Apps release calendar | Why you should F12 periodically | Graduating DER laptops | Better searching of DoE websites | news.T4L archives!

Welcome to news.T4L | Managing local network issues | Windows 10 Pilot kicks off | Secure Proxy Authentication | So what's in eT4L's OSX El Capitan? | Ransomware warning | Guides and documents archive | SMART Speakers power adaptor | Planner now in Office 365 | Why teach touch typing? | iPads and time synchronisation | Creative writing with Pobble 365 | Office 365 training for teachers | Internet peering enhancements

Upgraded Internet service | School Router replacements | Windows 10 in eT4L | New DoE STEM resources site | DER closedown update | Acrobat DC for eT4L | "Reboot of the Nerds" | Training for Google Apps | Google Maps satellite imagery | Quizzing with Google Forms | School Media Masterclass | MS Sway and accessibility | Me, Myself and Eye | Truth be told

Windows 10 for eT4L is coming | No Windows 8 on desktops? | Safe Schools Framework PL | SPA update | Use OneNote? Get Office Lens | Can't type in Word 2016? | What do you think of MyPL? | Assistive technologies video | MS Disability Answer Desk | Disaster resilience education | UDM software deployment | My software didn't arrive! | eT4L Windows updates | Real NSW Photo competition

Adobe Enterprise Agreement | DER infrastructure closedown | Still got DER-built laptops? | Current ICT challenges | Office 2016 deployments | O365 Sway / Office Mix webinar | OneNote Staff Notebook | Virtual Opportunity Classes | Managed iPads and Wi-Fi | Oliver - Build 8 | Return to Base or Swapout? | Intel-MC Leaders Breakfast | AwesomeDrive for Chrome | Using Facebook Safely poster

Technology for Schools website | New HP computers available | Software Catalogue update | EdConnect | MS Office 2016 for eT4L schools | Collaboration opportunity | SPA update | T4L at Coutts Crossing PS | Notebook battery warranty | SMART Notebook for Mac | HP Dual-Personality ports | HP Procurve switches now Aruba | eT4L F12 error: Task Sequence | eT4L logon via WiFi

Oliver hits 1,000 schools | Connected Classroom hardware | Getting ready for Office 2016 | What's new in Office 2016? | Outstanding T4L rollout orders | Recycling eWaste | Projector lamp recycling | SMART Notebook licence error | Connecting Aruba WAPs | Sharing iPads at school | STEM Programme Index 2016 | Fixing the language in GAFE | Technology scholarships | YouTube for staff | TV display in the school foyer

Secure Proxy Authentication | Computer recycling / eWaste | Wi-Fi Service Accounts | Office 2016 free for home use | Clean-up of DETNSW domain | So where's Google Forms? | Future-focused learning | YouTube / MyMaps in GAFE | ICT equipment deliveries | Office 2010 opening in O365 | Internet filtering at home | Rural / Remote opportunity | Problems with F12-building?

New Citrix Receiver client | Software Catalogue update | Your profile photo in Webmail | Monitors on HP desktop PCs | Office 365 ProPlus upgrade | HP switch warranty support | BYOD @ Bundanoon PS | 40 maps explain the internet | Google Apps for Education blog | Updates to Google Classroom | My Essentials shortcuts | CM12 for primary schools | OSX El Capitan in eT4L schools | Hardware warranty lookup

CM12 for Primary Schools | Secure Proxy Authentication | Staff leaving your school? | What NOT to turn off | What you should turn off | New AMU and SMU guides | Password resets | T4L @ Gorokan Public School | ICT Coordinator changes in 2016? | No longer a relieving principal? | News Jnr - news activities | OS updates during vacation | Chromebooks and DoE GAFE | ERN/OASIS/LMBR maintenance | T4L Hardware Rollout update | SMART Notebook 11.4 advice

Update to eT4L F12 build | Secure Proxy Authentication | eT4L Reports: Primary schools | New School Libraries website | Futures Learning Unit | eT4L: Apple Mac builds | Need new data outlets? | Learning @Macquarie Fields High | Manipulating PDF files | What's Google Keep? | Technology changing lives | On-line Coding courses | The MathsLinks Network | eSafety guide for parents

T4L Hardware Rollout update | SMART Notebook 11.4 issue | MS Office 2016 for home use | Office 2016 Quick Start guides | A4 Printable Paper | Oliver - ClassMovie | Lenovo Desktop "Blue Screen" | eT4L Software Catalogue ratings | Add-ons for Google Apps | Turn captions on in class | Office 365 Landing Page | Legal Issues Bulletin 56 | AirServer, iOS9 update issue | Chrome browser availability | Google like a pro: Posters | IST, IPT and SDD resources

IE11 deployment | Clicking links in our articles | Managing bottlenecks | BYOD iPad settings | 2015 DER Laptop graduation | School Email distribution lists | eT4L Software Catalogue | Dell Server warranty emails | Non-Contract Vendors | T4L Rollout notifications | Integrated Imaging help | Learning Tools in DoE | Got time for some feedback? | MS Office Apps for iPad | Learning Potential app | Access for Relieving Principals | Want to buy a Smart TV?

Blocking Updates FAQ | Discovered your Sway yet? | Should schools engrave PCs? | Apple Configurator backup | Office 365 at Barnier PS | Dialling into a VC by phone | Update your profile in Portal | OneNote Class sharing error | Coding for younger students | Free student access: MS Azure | Video streaming an event | Video History on YouTube | YouTube without the guff | Office 365: "Shared with everyone" | AirServer in High Schools

2015 T4L Rollout update | New Staff Email Guides | Webmail Conversations | eT4L/DIP Server Windows Updates | Member Servers and Updates | eT4L - F12 a new laptop? | IT Performance Issues Team | HP EliteDesk 800 LCD Port | New Proxy Settings for iPads | Online Safety for Children: Law | 2015 Next Tech Girl Superhero | Web Filter Check Tool | Office 365 & Google Apps PL | Film by the Sea - Film Festival | Avoid Network Loops!

2015 T4L Rollout notifications | Reports of network slowness | New Aruba WiFi Bundles | New Windows Tablets models | Power outages and eT4L | Requesting an eT4L shutdown | Restoring deleted files on eT4L | Looking forward to Oliver? | OneNote for Teachers: Guides | Adobe Education Exchange | DEC Contract for Laser Printers | Got a green screen at school? | A parent's guide to Instagram | The Internet in real time

T4L today | MS Office 365 in DEC Portal | NSW DEC Office 365 user guides | It’s time to join DEC Yammer | MS & Adobe software for staff and students | Setting the IE Homepage in eT4L | WeCommemorate competition | Access your eT4L Server at home | Easy Service Desk call logging | New DEC PC hardware standards | SMART Notebook Licence update | Windows 8.1 for eT4L Tablets | Tandberg VC Remote batteries | Principal’s Network Information | Need PDF plans of your school? | Great Digital Citizenship poster