Technology 4 Learning

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news.T4L is published three times each term - in week 3, 6 and 9. Collectively, it is a useful tool for school ICT Coordinators and staff interested in using technology for teaching, learning and school administration. The news.T4L archive contains every past issue since 2015. Please note that some links in older issues may no longer work.

Enhancing teaching with digital tools | Introducing eduSearch | What's new with Canva in March? | Tips and tricks for switching off | Apple support resources | Where education leaders shape the future | Updates to Chrome browser | Turn these off over the holidays | Access curriculum aligned prompt templates | Don't lose precious memories | AssessedIT update | Cyber update for Teams meetings

Are you ready for NAPLAN next week? | EduTECH 2025 is coming to Sydney | Introducing sensitivity labels! | New Applications in AssessedIT | Your Canva Learning Consultant | Are you new to SASS? We've got you covered! | Apple updates coming next holidays | Unplug and connect offline | Year 7 student Adobe Creative Cloud license requests | Updates from the Adobe Edu Team | Apple Education Community