Transcript of the "Apple iPad- Dictation" video.
Speaker 1:
iPad has some great features that allow all people to access the technology. One easy speaking feature on an iPad is called Dictation. The Dictation feature will use your voice and convert your spoken words to text in any application that will accept typing. Dictation is easy to use on an iPad. Let's first ensure we have it available to us.
Navigate to Settings, click on General, click Keyboard and swipe down until you find Enable Dictation and Auto Punctuation. It's that simple. The access to Dictation can now easily be used by tapping on the microphone icon when using the keyboard. When you start speaking, it will convert your words into typed text. Let's try this out now in Notes.
Tap on the microphone. You can tell it's ready when the microphone symbol appears in the space where the text is to be entered. Start speaking and watch the magic happen. "Ryan and Zoe went on holidays to the beach." You can start a new line by saying, "New line." You can even add punctuation, such as question mark, full stop, comma, exclamation mark, open brackets, close brackets. You can even add emojis. For example, say, "Laughing emoji." Or you can even add images such as heart emoji, tree emoji. By enabling Auto Punctuation, full stops, question marks, and capitals will be populated as you go. You can also start a new paragraph by saying, "New paragraph."
Editing your work is simple also. Simply tap on an incorrect word and say it again. It will automatically update the text. Alternatively, you can also tap on the word and use the keyboard while the Dictation feature is still enabled. By ensuring all your keyboard options are turned on in the Settings app, this will ensure you have access to spelling corrections and predictive text features, which are also really handy when editing your work.
Make your iPad experience simple and easy using Dictation with your students. Try it out today.
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