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Transcript of the 'Drive-thru Term 1 Week 7' video

This is the transcript of the "Drive-thru Term 1 Week 7" video.

Aimee Phillips:
Good afternoon, everyone. And happy International Women's Day. I'd like to start this afternoon off by sharing with you an Acknowledgement of Country that I wrote, especially for today. I'd like to begin this acknowledgement by quoting Order of Australia recipient, June Oscar, Bunuba woman and advocate for indigenous Australian languages, social justice, and women's issues.


"As Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, we have the right to be all of who we are. Let us not change for this world, but let the world change for us. And I guarantee it will be the better for it."

Aimee Phillips:
Because of her, because of our women who are uncompromising in being themselves, we continue to be who we are today. In 2022, there are still barriers and challenges that face all women in our society, and Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are still faced with considerable challenges around their health and wellbeing as a collective, but continuously strive to have their voices heard through the leadership of our mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, aunties and elders that walked on this ground before us. On this day, we celebrate and reflect upon the ways forward for women in this world. It is through our connection to those that have walked on this land long before us, that we can continue to walk in their footsteps and create our own paths to ensure our voices are heard and our leadership goes from strength to strength. I'd like to acknowledge that I'm on Dharawal land and pay my respects to elders past and present here, as well as acknowledge our emerging, for it is within our children that we together support through their educational journey that lead us into the future. I'd like to acknowledge the lands on which each and every one of us stand on today and acknowledge any Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that may be joining us. Let us always remember that from wherever land we are meeting on it is, has, and always will be Aboriginal land.

Joachim Cohen:
Hello, everyone. And welcome to our second ever T4L digital drive-thru. It is so fantastic to have you all joining our us today from wherever you are across the state of New South Wales. And what an amazing way to begin. I can already see the comments on the chat. Thank you so much to Aimee Phillips for that absolutely brilliant Acknowledgement of Country and happy International Women's Day to everyone out there. To all the women and to all those people who support women, which of course, every one of us. So, what are we up to today? Well, as always, the T4L team are here to support you. We know it's been a really hard start to 2022, but we are here to support you. We're here to make learning engaging, exciting, and overflowing with Technology 4 Learning. And boy, oh boy, do we have an action-packed agenda for you today. And excitingly enough, it all begins when we are focusing on an Acknowledgement of Country and of course, the first edition of T4L Kids for 2022.

So to explore that, what are we going to do? We're going to head over to our Main Learning Display. I'll see you in just a moment.

Joachim Cohen:
Okay, here we are over at our Main Learning Display. Main Learning Display, basically our new fancy name for our interactive panel, camera on the top, a lot of them are mobile. Okay, they can be mobile or they can be fixed. A fantastic piece of equipment, and they've got computers on the back as well. So you get that whole Windows 10 experience, but what am I here to talk to you about today? I'm here to talk to you about the latest edition of T4L Kids. On our website, don't forget, all you need to do is hit the T4L Kids button and you get taken straight to the T4L Kids site. And this edition is totally jam-packed. It is an unbelievable edition. It makes my heart sing. I know I'm going to make it big. And I love using this on the interactive whiteboard, because I can just swipe in and swipe out.

There's a very special edition. It's all about connecting with community and working with your school community and working with your students to create an Acknowledgement of Country. And we are here at the T4L team, we collaborated with some amazing experts. So you can see, just here, Kirli Saunders. So an amazing author, she's unbelievable and provided her insights on creating an Acknowledgement of Country. And of course, you all saw Aimee give that most beautiful Acknowledgement of Country today. And we get Aimee to come and talk about, well, what does it mean to her? What's the significance of these Acknowledgements of Country to put it all into perspective for our students? But then of course, it's loaded and packed full with an amazing challenge. So you can see using that design thinking process, students will walk through the process of how to create an Acknowledgement of Country, starting with the research process, going out, exploring the community, talking to their community members and finding out what will resonate and what's significant.

And then using all that information and knowledge to turn it into a digital Acknowledgement of Country. So you can see as we swipe our way through, how exciting to use this resource on your Main Learning Display with your students. You can see these great resources, sample acknowledgements, and a great process, which you can explore with your students to go through working with your community and finding out what is significant. And then of course, using your digital technologies tools. So you can see things about creating amazing photographs. Then thinking, well, okay, I might want to create a video acknowledgement, maybe I want to do an audio acknowledgement. There are lots and lots of different options that you've got available. And so many tools to choose from. You could actually give your students the choice of which tools to use because we are here at the T4L team, we've provided all these great video resources, that mean you don't need to be the expert. And your students can engage with these resources to upskill themselves throughout the process.

And finally, this is probably one of my favorite parts of this magazine. And it focuses on the idea that Acknowledgements of Country don't just belong on assemblies. They can actually feature in lots of the things that we do every day in every part of our curriculum. If you're an entrepreneur and you are prototyping an app, how can you incorporate an Acknowledgement of Country into that? What about at a sports carnival? How are you thinking about incorporating an Acknowledgement of Country into your sports carnival? And there are lots and lots of other opportunities that you'll be able to explore with your students. So, no matter which curriculum area you are from, if you're in secondary, no matter what topic you're doing, if you're in primary, there's a way to think about incorporating Acknowledgement of Country.

Now, you might be saying, "Okay, that looks good. But Joe, what about a demo?" It is time for a demo. You got that right. Here we go. I'm going to minimize that down. Now, one of the tools that we explored inside here is actually Google Jamboard, and you can see a link to it just down there. And it links out to six great videos. If I click on it, let's see what happens. Here we go. I'm going to tap it again. It takes you out to T4L Kids TV and these fabulous videos that you can see just here that introduce your students to all the key parts of Jamboard. But we are going to do it live. I know. I did say the word. I said live. Here we go. I'm going to jump over to my portal, the portal, the source of all awesomeness, and I learned a great trick in my last edition of Office Hours, which I'm going to talk to you about a little bit later on.

But if you click on the profile center button, whoop, hopefully this is going to work. Here we go. You get a view of all of your essentials. How good is that? And don't forget, you can visit the application store if you want to add more. So you can just click into there. And I'm actually after Google Workspace today. And I'm going to type in Google and you can always add it to your workspace if you haven't already. Now I'm ready to launch, but guess what? I've already got a tab open, so I keep the experience nice for all of you out there. And what I'm going to do is we are actually going to collaborate on a Jamboard here today. Now, if you're creating one from scratch, you hit the plus button down the right hand corner. But luckily, I've got one that I prepared earlier. So I'm going to click on this one just here. Here we go. Whoops. Yep. It's opening up for us.

And what I'm wanting to do is I'm wanting to explore with every one of you out there, something called nano-learning. So first thing, did you know you can share a Jamboard? Up here in the top right hand corner, there's the blue Google share button. And what you can do then is copy your link and pass it out to your students. Put it into Google Classroom, chuck it into Microsoft Teams, email it, do everything like that that you need to do. Now, the amazing team behind the scenes is already popped that link in into the chat. So every one of you can jump into my Jamboard right now. And what we can do is we can talk about either nano-learning, oh, and I can see, whoop, whoop, whoop, I can see these people are jumping in, jumping, jumping, jumping. I want to see you in this Google Jamboard.

Look at all of you. Fabulous. Or we might want to comment on T4L Kids. Hey, thanks person who said hi Joe. Looks like we've got a bit of a squirrel or something just down there. What I love about Google Jamboard is the fact that it is so simple and so easy and so obtainable for every single student or teacher to use. You've got all your options down the left hand side. And what I'm asking you here is to use the color coding as your key. So if you click on this option here, the sticky note, it's the 1, 2, 3, fourth icon down, what you'll notice you can do is automatically change the color of your sticky note. So if I want you to do a plus, so I have color coordinated my Jamboard, it's got to be in green. So a plus of nano-learning. Nano-learning is something you can do in three minutes.

So, it might be that it's quick. Okay. I'm going to write quick in my sticky note, Q-U-I-C-K. Hot tip, press enter. Look what happens. I can write another note straight away and I can change my color, but I'm going to go back to green and in a right bite size, whoop bite size. There you go. Everyone, have a go, add something in. If you've got something else you want to talk about with nano-learning, small bite size chunks, three minutes learning or less, pop it in, but don't forget, there's so much more to Jamboard. You can see people who are writing using their pen. Yes, T4L does rule and you can grab your pen from down the side as well. So the top option is your pen and you'll see, you've got loads of choices with the type of pen that you can choose or a highlighter.

And there's even more. Can you see that picture icon? I can't see anyone adding a picture just yet, but if you hit on your picture icon, you can actually use images from your Google Drive or you can go out and do a Google image search. So if I go to Google image search just there, and I might want to add in a dinosaur because just like T4L, dinosaurs are cool. I am going to then add in my very cool dinosaur just over here, and click on the insert button. We've got a dog there as well. We've got a dinosaur, which I can drag around. Notice how everything is infinitely movable and changeable. If I click on this particular one up here that says interesting, you'll notice that I can actually twist and turn it. By using the pointer down in the bottom right hand corner, I can make it big. And notice how the size of the writing goes with me.

And one more hot tip before we finish off today, you can use your keyboard shortcuts in Google Jamboard. So pop them in the chat if you know other ones, but control D for duplicate whoop, watch it. Hopefully I've duplicated. I have. Control C for copy. And if I move onto another Jamboard page, control V for paste. Wow, it is that simple. Now, I am so proud of every one of you for adding thoughts for adding your theories about nano-learning, keep it going, find out how easy it is to use Jamboard. You will find even loads more tips than this in our T4L Kids TV series. So make sure you share those with your students.

All right. Now, we're going well. We have been having an absolutely amazing time here today, but guess what? It is time to take it to the next level. Yes, we were looking at the amazing T4L Kids TV magazine. And if you take a look inside it, you'll see that there are so many ways of creating an Acknowledgement of Country. And one way one of our team members Laurens Derks has done it is to create one in Minecraft. Let's take a peek.

Laurens Derks:
For our young people, digital environments like Minecraft are a natural and an ordinary part of their lives. And while in a public setting, we are used to having an Acknowledgement of Country before an official event, how do young people bring those respectful behaviors into their digital environment? This is something that we can teach them, I think, with a tool like Minecraft Education Edition. I've had a go at it in this little project that you can see, and I'll show you what I've done. And we'll have a quick look at how you might like to include this in your activities. So no matter what the curriculum area is, or no matter what kind of project students are building, they could set aside an area in their project that is specifically for an Acknowledgement of Country or a Welcome to Country.

So I chose this particular spot up here. This is supposed to be kind of like a castle wall ruin, and I've just placed some signs, some signposts. These are really easy to place, and they're really easy for students to put together. So here's the text and it kind of begins on top left. I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which this work was imagined and created. I recognize and respect the Cammeraygal people, a Southern clan group of the Gameragal as the original storytellers on this land, and hope to continue that tradition through this media. You can see I've just used signs. Now, I did write the script first in Microsoft Word, and then I copied and pasted it.

So let's have a look. If I opened up my inventory and just look for a sign, you can choose what color like, of course, what particular wood works, bring it down into what I call your tool belt and plant one of these signs down. So students just need to know how much space is on the sign itself. I had written the text in Microsoft Word first, and I had planned out how much text would fit on an individual sign. So you can see I've kind of used these sentences. So I can now copy that straight off that and place it straight onto the sign. So I would recommend writing a script first, measuring out how much text is going to fit on a sign, and then you can kind of click off it. And the text stays on the sign.

The sign also will face the direction that you are facing. So if you want it to face this way, right click, drop it down and let's grab the second line of my text. Just copy that and paste and then click out of it. So the sign faces the way you want it. So this is one way to add text to your builds. There is another tool that you could use in Minecraft called a board. So if I go back to my equipment panel and just do a quick search for a board. Now, these are much larger. Okay. So if you got to use one of these, then find a different spot. I might put it over here, drop it down and I can actually put all of the text in. So I'll just grab all of my text, copy that and paste it in and click out of it. And so I could use kind of a blackboard thing, or you could have your text broken up into smaller signs. Anyway, so that's one way that you might like to include an Acknowledgement of Country in your Minecraft builds.

Joachim Cohen:
Wow. I can see, like me, that just completely blew your mind. That is amazing work, Laurens. Thank you so much for sharing that with all of us out there on the digital drive-thru and for putting so much work into creating that very unusual way of developing an Acknowledgement of Country. So we're going to continue on this exciting innovation theme. Oh, my goodness, but I just about forgot. Make sure you all take a peek. In the chat, you will see a link to an edition of the T4L Kids magazine, which helps you to explore even more in Minecraft and get your students creating an Acknowledgement of C ountry inside that space. Okay. Here we go. Moving on, more and more innovations and exciting things. You can see I've been joined by an exciting new development on the T4L team just here. It's a telepresence robot, because today we're talking all about connections.

We were talking about connecting to your community. In a little while, we're going to actually explore the next edition of T4L magazine, which is all about making digital connections. But in this time, especially with many students unable to attend school, maybe they're sick, unable to get along, how can they continue to have these connections with their peers and continue those amazing social connections? Well, one of the ways they can do it is with technology like a telepresence robot. So if you've never seen a telepresence robot before, you might all recall that special edition of the Big Bang Theory, where Sheldon appeared on an iPad on a stick and moved his way around. Well, that's the kind of technology that we're seeing in classrooms across New South Wales right now. And it enables students from any laptop, any computer with an internet connection to dial into their classroom, drive themselves around, and connect with at their peers. What an empowering piece of technology. It makes their transition back into the classroom so much easier and really helps to build that resilience and that connection that they have.

Now, in addition, we're actually seeing these robots being used in classrooms to allow teachers to dive in and deliver some of their lessons remotely. So for example, if a teacher is actually delivering a class in a classroom in Trangie, which is one of the examples we've got and actually situated in Dubbo, they're able to observe what's going on in their classroom with the use of a tool like this. So, hopefully we've whet your appetite of the potential of telepresence robots. If you'd like to know more, if you can see an application inside your classroom for a robot just like this, make sure you get in touch with the T4L team. We are super keen to hear from you how you think they could be used. If you've got an opportunity to use it in your classroom at the moment, if you've got a student that might benefit from a telepresence robot, make sure you get in touch with us and you can see our email address has been popped on the screen right now.

All right. Now, this was the innovation zone. I'm usually in the lab, but today I brought the lab out into our studio, but guess what? We explore the lab in even more detail in this edition of magazine.T4L. So I'm going to head my way back over to the Main Learning Display and let's explore the latest issue.

Okay, here we are. We are back on the hub of awesomeness, the Technology 4 Learning website. And as you can see across the top, there's a magazine.T4L link. So jump straight into that and you will find the latest edition of magazine.T4L. Yep. You're right. It's all about staying connected. So I'm going to open it up just here. We know how important connections are at the moment. And inside this edition, it is jam-packed. To begin with, yes, you got it. There's some information on nano-learning and a link out to some great courses in LinkedIn Learning that'll get you and your stage six students exploring concepts like interview skills, getting prepared for the future in three minutes or less. Then you get to come into the innovations lab with me, but you've already been there today, so I'm going to skip straight over that one.

One feature of this magazine that is new is that it's like a companion edition to T4L Kids. So there's a whole double page spread to support you to implement T4L Kids magazine inside your classroom. And one thing you'll notice back on the T4L Kids site and linked with inside this page in the magazine I think as well, are the amazing teacher notes. So make sure you go and check those out so that you can get some absolutely expert support on implementing T4L Kids into your classroom with aplomb. That is for sure. Now, what else? There is a big focus on connecting. There's a big focus on Main Learning Displays, which is why I'm over here demonstrating this edition of the magazine on our big display, and also some features on some key tools. So remember, Google Meet is now available for students so they can jump into those Google meetings that you set up.

And remember inside Google Classroom, you can actually create a link that they can click on to join into those online conferences easily and simply. And with schools being closed here and there, around the state, this might be provide a really great option for all of you to take your learning online. Now, in addition, there are two great tools right at the back, and we are going to explore one of these in just a moment. You might have heard of Adobe Spark, but did you know it's recently been renamed to Adobe Creative Cloud Express. Now, this isn't about putting a new sticker on top of an old tool. This has been totally transformed. There are some great new features, it's even easier to use, and there is so much more potential to explore. So make sure you go and take a look at the Adobe Creative Cloud Express resources that we've linked into this magazine.

And then we've also gone to the next level with Canva, because not only can you create amazing posters, amazing social media content, you can also now create videos in Canva. So are you guys ready for a demo? I think it's about time. So what we're going to do is I'm going to minimize this screen and I'm going to jump out into Canva for Education. So don't forget on the T4L webpage, if you jump into the resources section and into the professional learning resources area, you'll discover a whole page on Canva for Education. It contains loads of information on the Canva for Education service, as well as the quick, hot link to get you signed up to Canva for Education in an instant. If you scroll down, loads of information telling you all about the service, things you need to consider, and yep, there's the magic link you can click on to get instant access to Canva for Education, which has so many enhanced features above the free version. So I really recommend if you're going to engage with Canva, you jump into that link.

Now, I've already done it. I've signed up and I'm on my homepage. And yes, there is a portal icon you can add. So make sure you go and add that to your essentials as well. All right, look at all these options. This might look a lot different to the last time you visited Canva. You can see that for you, it's gone and listed down all the recent designs that you might have, but today we're excited about creating a video. So I'm going to hit on video and I'm just going to create a very simple video straight over here. All right. Now, I'm not going to create your typical video today. If you are in our teams chat earlier today, and if not, make sure you go and check it out after this, you'll see that we loaded a GIF about magazine.T4L.

And today, I'm going to show you how easy it is to create something just like that. All right. I've got my blank slate just here. I could incorporate lots of pre-loaded videos, so I can click on video here and I could grab lots of pre-loaded content. And if I want, I can just simply drag and drop to enhance my production. And I can even search for different types of video content. So if I popped into there and I popped in 'waterfall', you'll find that I'll be able to get some videos of waterfalls that I can include in my presentation or my video. And students can do this as well. But today, I've actually uploaded some great picture content already.

So you can see lots of thumbnails of magazine.T4L and T4L Kids. Today, I'm doing magazine.T4L. So I'm going to hit on the front cover to begin with. Now, as soon as I get it out there, I can resize it. Here we go. I can move it around. Nice and easy. Make it little bit bigger. There we go. It's a little bit too big. Make it a bit smaller. Move it onto an angle. I love angles. Can I tell you. All right, we've got the magazine. Does the white background look a little bit strange? I need to change it. Here we go. I'm just going to tap on the center. I'm going to change the color, now just like this. And look at this. On the side here, it automatically projects and picks up the colors from inside my photos so that I can select from it automatically.

So I'm going to click on the light blue. Look at that. Voila. Absolutely. Abracadabra. Here we go. I'm now going to add some text and I'm going to add this glow text. I really like the color of it or the look of it. Here we go. And instead of saying glow, I'm actually going to say 'out now', because this magazine is out now. Here we go. I'm going to resize my text. Whoop. There we go. Bring it back up. There we go. Move it on to the center. Come on. Here we go. I know you want to come with me. All right, there we go. But I'm going to change the color of that as well. I'm going to use another of my document colors and make it that beautiful red. But I want to add some more. I want to add some animation. I'm going to click on animate just over here, and my favorite one at the moment is typewriter. Look at that. How cool is that?

And in addition, what we're going to do is we're going to make our magazine pop. There we go. Now, one thing I'm going to do just to make this exciting, to show you what power you get with GIFs, is I'm going to add one more picture onto here. Here we go. One more picture of magazine.T4L, once I figure out where it is. Here we go. This is going to be it just here. There we go. Move that one over there like that. And guess what? I'm going to add some more text. Here we go. Bring quick, quick, quick, quick. It is going to be glow. You can choose all different types that you might like to add. Let's get innovating, and make sure I can actually spell it a little bit correct. Here we go. All right, beautiful. Let's make it small. Like that. All right. I'm going to actually decrease my font size a bit. There we go. And increase this out like that. There we are.

So nice and simple. How quick is this? Under two minutes. I'm going to add some animations to this as well. Here we go. It's going to ascend this time. There we go. And this one here is going to do neon, which is a really cool effect as well. Now, also notice down the bottom, I've got the little bit of extra area where I can actually change how things look. So I can decrease the length of that, so my GIF is not too long or my video is not too long. Here we go. All right. And I'm done. Finished. What can I do with it now? Number one, I can just click on the share icon, and I can share a link to watch. Simply like that.

I'm going to copy that link. Paste it in just up here. Here we go. Watch. Paste. Alrighty, and hit enter. And yes, I can watch that video immediately. Don't forget. You can add sound to this as well, but I can watch that video online. Imagine students being able to create and share this with you about their learning so quickly, but what else can I do? You got it. Unbelievable. I can click on 'download'. Download it as a video or download it as a GIF. It is that simple. That's what we did to create that GIF inside the T4L teacher community. We're challenging you. We want to see you and your students create a GIF, linked to any curriculum area to get students demonstrating their learning. We want to see you post it into our teacher community and yes, we have some prizes.

So make sure you get doing this. Yvette is going to put a post into our teacher community over the next week. And then we want to see your absolutely amazing responses. All right, how fast was that? But guess what? To give you time to do this and get your students creating, we're now going to go and hear from T4L time saving guru, Stu Hasic, who's got some outlook tips.

Stu Hasic:
Okay. We're going to talk about something that we all have a love-hate relationship with. And that is our Outlook email. And in particular, our Outlook web mail. We're going to look at some tips within web mail. A lot of these tips will also work in the desktop version of Outlook as well, but the majority of our teachers are just using web mail. So let's take a look at what they are. First set of tips is remember the four Ds. First one, do it now. D for do it now. If it's quick to read, if it's quick to reply, then why wait? The quickest way that you're going to put a backlog in your inbox is to not respond to some of those ones that you could very easily respond to.

Next one is delegate to someone else. If something has come in to your inbox and you are not the right person for it, or you have somebody in your team that maybe could do it more effectively and more quickly than you could, then let's think about delegating. Forward that message onto that other person and say, "Hey, can you deal with this for me? Because they need an answer soon and I can't provide it right now." The next one is defer until later. And it says here, add a flag, categorize it, or move it to the To Do folder. Let's see what that's all about. So let's look at my mailbox now. And I've got a whole lot of different things in my inbox. The newest things are at the top and the oldest things are further down. But if I wanted to categorize some of these for deferring, because I can't deal with them right now, then I can do a few different things.

Say this one here, I can choose the option here to flag it. There's an option for flag. You just click on it. And that simply highlights a red flag against that particular message, so that I can, when I'm looking at my inbox, see that some of these are marked this flag, then I need to do something about them. I can even right click on it and I can choose to say, I want to do something about this tomorrow or this week or next week or mark it as complete or clear the flag. So there are some flag options in there, it's useful sometimes, maybe, maybe not. You might like it. You might not like it.

Another option is to categorize. If you right click on any message, there's an option here that says categorize. And in there, by default, there are a whole lot of different colored categories, green, orange, and red. There were a few other ones, I deleted the extra ones, but you can come in here and you can give them actual names that mean things to you. So for example, if I go into manage categories, I can click the pencil against green. And I can say this means that I have completed. It's done. Against the red category, I could mark that one as urgent. And against the orange category, I could mark that as To Do.

Okay. So now what I've done, save that, what I've done now is I've changed the names of those, but they've still got the colors of green, orange, and red. And if I close that, it's going to go back to my inbox. And now at my inbox, I can right- click on any of these messages and I can go to categorize and I can say, okay, this one is a To Do because I need to deal with it. And what it's going to do is add this category against it. Any of the ones that have got To Do, I can see very clearly that I still need to do something about it. This one here is probably needing to be urgent. So I'll go to categorize, and I will mark that as urgent. And it simply puts that flag on there. When I've dealt with it, I can right click on it again, go to categorize and choose the option that says clear all categories.

Joachim Cohen:
Wow is all I can say. Every single time, Stu helps me save time. And I can tell you this afternoon, I'm going to have to delve into my inbox. And Stu will be back a little bit later on in this hour to give you another top tech tip. And speaking of top tech tips, if you have a problem, if you have a query, don't forget to come and join me in Office Hours every Tuesday afternoon, except when we have a digital drive-thru, where you can come and ask any technology question that you've got. I know last week I was blown away by some questions about Google Forms, and we solved that problem live. And then I learned so much about how one school was using iPads in a really amazing way. And then connecting it up with the 'Everyone can create' resources that have been developed by Apple to get their students filmmaking and to get their students podcasting.

So I hope to see you in Office Hours, and also in all of our events this term. We've got some great ones coming up on assessment and feedback and so much more. So I can't wait to see you there. All right. What's coming up next? Well, you know we've been talking a lot about MLDs today. Well, we are going to head over to the MLD zone in just a moment, but the focus is going to be all on 3D printing. Have you got a 3D printer? Have you been thinking about a 3D printer? Well, it's not just about the printer. It might be about design, but let's jump to T4L guru, Greig Tardiani, who's going to tell us more.

Greig Tardiani:
Thank you, Joe. Why 3D printing in the classroom? 3D printing allows you to hit whole pile of outcomes to your curriculums and really engage your students. Now, there's a whole pile resources that are available for you across a myriad of curriculum areas. Dive into Technology 4 Learning, the website, and dive into the stem.T4L page. And here's where you'll have one of the areas where you can get the stem.t4l kits. One of those kits is a 3D printing kit. Now, in that section that you'll find on the 3D printing kit, there is a bunch of resources that have been put together by our team. How to use your 3D printer - basics. But the real power of 3D printing is applying it to a curriculum area. We've got some challenges set up in here, one on the pollinated biodiversity, digital architecture. So there's a bunch of areas that it's actually hitting - dragsters, 3D design.

So things that you can make, this is a huge 3D print. We actually ran out of filament on that one, but here it is in the smaller design and it works. There's robotics arms that you can make. If you get into your curriculum and apply Minecraft, here we have a Minecraft house that we 3D printed. So we are taking that virtual object on the screen, turning into something that is real. That's the big power of 3D printing. Now, the 3D printer itself, it'll do it all by itself. You don't really need to know. You plug the file in, it starts printing. Where's the real power? It's getting your students to do the modeling. Now, the modeling software that's available for you. And again, down through on the T4L builder site, here's some support guides. But the tools that you can use, things like Tinkercad. Perfect. Fully online. Doesn't matter what platform you've got. You can start modeling here.

And you can create this by using 3D objects, which are basically the old playing blocks that we used to use as kids. And you put them together to create your objects. Again, we've got SketchUp for schools, a little bit more advanced, but you can do some really, really intricate stuff. If your students are high-end CAD users, things like OnShape, Fusion 360 are available for you to do it. Back in the very simple phases, we've got things like, on Windows devices, 3D Builder, available for you to actually use. Very, very simple. K-1/2 kids can use this without thinking. They build these things up really, really easily and very cleverly. So if you are looking at getting into 3D printing, don't get scared of the actual device. The power is in the modeling, taking what kids have got in their imaginations and turning it into a real object that they can turn around and look at and say, "That's what I imagined I was trying to make. And I actually was able to make it." Brilliant power. Get your kids involved. Have fun.

Joachim Cohen:
My mind is blown. Thank you so much, Greig. And I can't wait to see what every single one of you and your students goes out there, go away, goes out there and creates and innovates and designs using those tools. And don't forget. To find out more, make sure you visit the stem.T4L learning library. I know the links have been popped into the chat. And also, if you are keen and you want to help design what the next kits are going to look like, the stem.T4L team are running some focus groups and they want to hear from you. So all the details are going to be put into the chat in just a moment. So make sure you connect up with those. Now, we've heard from Greig, we've heard from Stu. Don't forget. They're also part, and run, the amazing Yammer Hot Spots every Monday at 3:30 PM.

So if you are keen, make sure you join up on our events page to know of our next event happening next Monday. And I know Stu will be putting details on the chat for you now. So and make sure you don't forget. And we had a question. In the chat, we've seen Sharon, how do I join the T4L teacher community? Oh my gosh. Great question, Sharon. So what we're going to do is we are going to pop a link to this inside the chat in just a moment, but I'm going to run you through it right now. So if you jump onto, you can all screen. I know you can see that now. You'll see our T4L teacher community, you can go searching for it. If you go into Teams, so you click on Teams. And what you can do is you can join or create a team. Now, you can search for Teams.

So I'm going to type in T4L and I'm going to jump into our T4L teacher community just to show you how amazing it is inside there. You can see this afternoon, you would've found out about our fantastic digital drive-thru. You would've been the first to hear all about our latest magazines. So make sure you jump in and connect into the T4L teacher community. I'm going to make sure we pop that link into the chat in just a moment so every one of you can get connected and you can share it with everyone in your community. Ah, absolutely. Now, we promised you another time-saving tip from Stu Hasic, and guess what? We've got it for you right now.

Stu Hasic:
Another way that people might want to sort their email so that the inbox is not so cluttered with so many different things is to have folders underneath the inbox. And you can come in and create as many folders as you like, and you can name them whatever you like. So that's just a matter of right-clicking on this folder here called inbox and choosing the option that says create a new sub folder and giving it a name. Now, I've got a whole lot of names here already, so I won't create a new one, but I've got one called 'In Progress'. And that's where I'd like to keep all of the emails that I am not ready to deal with right now. But I'll go back to and have a look at very often to keep up with all of my work.

So this one here could be such an email. It's just a matter of grabbing it and dropping it into that particular folder. So create rules to automatically handle regular email as soon as it arrives. Now, this is something that's very handy, particularly if you get emails, say from your boss. You know how we were just sorting our emails into different folders. Well, did you know that you can automatically, as new emails arrive, get them to be put into a particular folder simply by having a particular set of names or set of words in the subject or maybe it's a particular sender. So how do you go about creating a rule? Let's have a look at that. If you find any of these emails, whether it's from the same person or whether it's from a particular subject, you right click on it, you choose advanced actions because we're doing an advanced function now, and we're choosing create rule.

And then what it says here is 'always move messages that you receive as a member of this particular group', which is the SHC Minutes, and I'm a member of that group, 'to this folder'. And it's saying select the folder. And I can say, okay, the folder that I want, it's not one of those. Once here, move to a different folder. It's this one here called Daily Health Check. And I say, okay. And it says, your rule was created. Do you want to run this rule now on your inbox? And what it's going to do is go through all of my inbox and find all of those Daily Health Check emails, and it's going to pop them straight into that folder in one go. So I'll say yes, please. That sounds good. And we go, okay. So that is a nice quick way. So it's a matter of right-clicking on any message, advanced actions, create a rule.

Anyway, I hope you thought all of those tips were useful. You've got the screen there that you can take a screenshot of and share that with other people as well. Now, while I've got you, I'll also just let you know that we're going to be bringing back Yammer Hot Spots. And that's a half hour online show that I do with Greig Tardiani, and we've already done 60 episodes. You can go to the Yammer Hot Spots website, which is And you can go back and have a look at any of those shows. We have special guests from schools or from the department that we just have a chat to, and as well as that,Greg does a tip, usually each episode. And I give you what the latest news is as well. So that's an every Monday afternoon. So hope to see you there.

Our events page at the T4L website, the main website, and in here under events, you'll be able to see all of the 2022 events. And up on the screen, you'll have a whole lot of different things. And here's Yammer Hot Spots. Hope that was all of use. And I'll see you next time.

Joachim Cohen:
Wow. Thanks, Stu. I absolutely love the idea of creating an inbox rule. I know I get loads and loads of messages sometimes. I want to look at them, but I don't want them clogging my inbox. And just remember, don't be making a rule for anything coming from T4L. We want to make sure you read it front and center. Now, speaking of our website, make sure you check out those great outlook guides that have been shared by Melinda in the chat. They will help you take your inbox to the next level. And speaking of our website as well, we'd love to hear your opinion, what you like, what else you think we need. We popped a link to a very quick, I guarantee, less than nano-learning survey into the chat. So make sure you click on it, give us your feedback and help us create our direction for 2022. All right, so what's next? Well, we are going global. And what we're doing is we are going to talk about one little tiny device that can make a really huge impact. It's time to head to Tanya and hear all about the micro:bit.

Tanya Riach:
Hey guys, thanks for inviting me along to the digital drive-thru. Today, I'll be sharing the power of the micro:bit. From simple tasks to the more complex, the micro:bit is one of my favorite STEM tools. One of its best features is the simulator. So if you don't currently have a micro:bit, you can simulate the experiments that you conduct. I'm going to be working quickly. So follow along and see the amazing possibilities. There are lots of different ways of coding your micro:bit. From the MakeCode editor we'll be using with blocks in Java, to a Python editor and even a classroom where you can see your students work in real time remote, and 20 other different types of coding platforms. My screen is on MakeCode and to start, I click on the purple button, new project, give my project a name. And now it's that simple to start coding.

We can input some basic blocks to have LED lights turn on in a pattern or a word in the forever loop, so that it can cycle through our code, showing others in lights. Or we can be a little bit trickier and collect data from built-in sensors like temperature or light and see the data on the screen in a spreadsheet. We have the ability to collect multiple pieces of data at the same time with multiple options of getting the data started its collection, like buttons. To extend even further, we can collect information remotely using a radio receiver. One micro:bit will be the radio outside, collecting the data. The other micro:bit, inside collecting what is being sent. These ideas all lead me to the do your:bit challenge for students eight to 18 years old. This challenge is run by the Micro:bit Foundation and adds social purpose to digital learning, allowing students to apply their digital skills to real world solutions, testing the students' imagination and combining their creativity with technology.

There are micro:bit projects and lessons that can help you explore the global goals, or if you'd like to see some examples of student work from the competition, check out the of links from the last three years. This challenge can be entered as an individual or part of a team. And there are three categories. For category one, students from eight to 14 can provide just their idea. Category two and three are from eight to 18, where students will both design their project and code. The entry forms are on the do your:bit website, and I can't wait to see what you'll be creating next. Thanks for having me. And let me know if you've got any questions.

Joachim Cohen:
Wow. Doesn't that little tiny device sure pack a punch? Thank you so much, Tanya, for walking us through that, and also for showing us that you don't even need a physical micro:bit to get started. You can use that online virtualizer and even see two micro:bits at once. It totally blows my mind and I hope I see loads and loads of students out there participating in a do your:bit challenge. Now, remember, if you don't have micro:bits yourself, you can jump on the stem.T4L learning library, and you can see if you can book one of the kits. They're not open now. They'll be open soon. Some of them do have the micro:bits inside them, and plus there are loads and loads of activities to explore on there. Don't forget as well, they're also looking you to be part of their focus groups to shape their direction as well. So make sure you engage with that too.

All right. Now, everyone out there, if you've got any questions, now's your last chance. Want to do a big shout out Merryn, Kate, Lydia, Sharon, thanks for jumping in the chat. We love to hear from you. This is what it's all about is interacting, answering your questions, hearing your feedback, and also hearing all your awesome stories and suggestions as well. But before we go, connecting to that amazing little device, I want to go from mini to mega when I talk about Totally Tech. You've seen the power of something so small. Well, what about something so huge? If you jump into the T4L website and you take a look under teaching and learning resources, what you'll find is our latest edition of Totally Tech, which explores Australia's super computer. And you and your students can follow along as we take a peek behind the scenes and explore everything inside this amazing machine and what you can do with it.

We hear from experts, plus we give students a challenge at the end and connect them with all these amazing learning activities you can see on the website. So make sure you check that one out, the perfect activity at the moment, the perfect activity if you are engaging in online learning that students can watch and engage with from home. So make you explore that one. Now, don't forget. Want to see you at all of our events this year. We've got some great ones that are happening in the end of term one, and yes, we're back with another digital drive-thru at the start of term two.

So we want to see you there. Think about making it part of your staff development day. We'll be sure to send out loads -and it's school development days - I always get that wrong. We'll send you out loads of details before the event, and yes, because you signed up today, we'll be sending you the show notes, a link to this recording, so you can share it with everyone and welcome them on board as part of the T4L family. It has been a blast. Thank you to those members who have signed up to the community during this session, I've been watching those applications come through. We will be pressing accept really, really soon. Stay safe out there, stay awesome, stay motivated, make sure you're using Technology 4 Learning inside your classroom tomorrow. And I will see you soon.

[ End of transcript ]

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