This is the Transcript of 'Microsoft Outlook - Set Automatic Replies - Web' video.
Speaker 1:
Hi, there. In this video, we are going to look at how to set out-of-office automatic replies in Outlook.
Open the Outlook web app and click on the settings cog in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Click on mail, then the menu option, Automatic replies. Click the toggle for automatic replies on. This will enable the automatic replies to be sent until you choose to turn it off.
By ticking the checkbox, you can choose to send the automatic replies during a time period. Select the date and time range. Click the checkbox to block out your calendar for this time period. Give the event a name. In the box under the heading, send automatic replies inside your organisation, type your message that will be sent upon receiving an email. This will be the message that is sent to all DoE users who contact you. This also appears within Teams. You can choose to send a message to those outside of the DoE by ticking the checkbox next to the send replies outside of your organisation. Once you are ready to set your automatic replies, click Save.
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