This is the transcript of 'Microsoft Outlook - Polls in email' video.
Speaker 1:
Hi, there. In this video, we will look at how to include polls in your Outlook email. This could help save you time in collating responses from colleagues and keep your inbox tidy.
In this demonstration, I'll be using the Outlook desktop app. Start by creating a new email, adding recipients, and a subject as per usual. Click your mouse in the body of the email. Then in the ribbon menu, select Message. Click the Apps icon, then choose Polls.
Here you can select from a variety of different poll types, including Multiple choice, Quizzes, Word clouds, Ratings, and Rankings. Enter the text for your question and any necessary response options. You can ask more than one question in a poll by selecting Add question.
In the bottom left-hand corner of the poll window, click the Settings cog. This gives you the poll creator, the option to see the names of who responded, and also share the live results with those you send the poll to.
Click Preview to see what the poll looks like when it is embedded in your email. When you are ready, send your email as usual. Those who are responding to the poll, simply select the respective option, and then click Submit.
Responses are updated live for everyone. To review responses, find the email you sent in the Sent Items folder. Click View results to see a summary of responses.
For more detailed information, open Microsoft Forms and select the form which corresponds with the question asked in the email. Click on Responses and either review the results summary, or open as an Excel spreadsheet for a more detailed analysis.
[End of transcript]