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Transcript of 'Feedback in Assignments' video

This is the transcript of the "Feedback in Assignments" video.

Speaker 1:

In this video, we're going to look at three methods of giving feedback to students once an assignment has been submitted.

To begin giving feedback, open the assignment and click on a student in the class. Written feedback can be given to a student in a number of different forms. Firstly, if a student has submitted a Microsoft file such as a Word document, you can add comments to specific places in their doc. Enable the comments by clicking on the Comments button at the top. You can then click the New button or highlight some text and click the Comment icon. Add your feedback and press the Send button. Additionally, you can provide an overall written comment in the feedback box on the right of screen, and if required, you can also add grading in the Points field.

Underneath the feedback text box is a camera icon. Click here to activate the camera. The teacher can record up to five minutes of video and attach it to the assignment as feedback. Click Audio at the bottom of the screen if you just want to do an audio recording. For video, click the Backdrop button next to the Record button and change the type of background you wish to apply. When you're ready to record, click the middle button on the screen. Once you've finished your recording, click Review. Use the editing tools to make any minor changes, or click the plus icon at the end of the timeline to add in any additional content to the video. Click Next and give the video a name, and click Upload. Select Done to return to the assignment.

Using a rubric is a great way to mark a task. Rubrics are added when the assignment is initially created. If a rubric has been attached to the assignment, then click the rubric name on the right-hand side of the screen. Here the teacher can click through each section of the rubric and select a grade to assign. A comment for feedback can be given for each section of the rubric in the bottom right-hand corner of the window. Use either the drop-down arrow or the right or left arrows to cycle through the different rubric sections. Click Done when complete. If points are given for the rubric, this will be added up as a total and be shown at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

Once a teacher has given feedback to the students, they have some options on how to return the task to the students. In the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, either click Return to send the task back to the student with their final grade, or for more options, click the small arrow on the Return button. Here you can choose to return the assignment for the student to revise and resubmit, or you can choose to excuse the student from the task.

To review the grades given to students for all tasks, click Grades in the channel list on the left-hand side of the screen. Click a student's name to gather detailed information regarding their assignment submission and further insights. You can also click to export to an Excel to download it as a spreadsheet where you can see all the grade's information, including the task status, overall feedback and feedback from a rubric.

[End of transcript]

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