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Transcript of 'Setting up a class notebook' video

This is the transcript of the "Setting up a class notebook" video.

Speaker 1:

Hi there. In this video, we will look at Class Notebook and how it can be used to enhance how notes are made or shared in your classroom. Every Microsoft Teams class team comes with a unique Class Notebook. Students gain access to the notebook by being added to the class team. For information on how to add students to your class team, refer to the video on setting up a class team. To access Class Notebook within Teams, click the channel name Class Notebook on the left-hand side of the screen. The teacher needs to set up the notebook before students will be able to access it.

In the middle of the screen, click Set up a OneNote Class Notebook. You can choose either a blank notebook or from existing notebook content to import sections and pages. A blank notebook has no existing material and is completely clear of content. If you choose from an existing notebook, you can select sections and pages from either the content library or teacher-only section from other notebooks. In this example, we will use a blank notebook. Click the next button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. You can add custom sections to the student sections of the notebook now by clicking Add section, or you can do this at a later stage. Click Create to create your notebook. It may take a few moments to set up your Class Notebook.

Within a Class Notebook, there are four sections that are automatically generated for you. Collaboration Space, a space where everyone in the class can share, organise, and collaborate. Content Library, a read-only section for students where teachers can share handouts and notes. Teacher Only, a section to put materials that should be kept private from the students in the class. Only teachers can see the materials placed here. And Student Notebooks, a private space shared between the teacher and each individual student. Teachers can access every student section, while students can only see their own.

Adding content in Class Notebooks is the exact same process to a regular OneNote notebook. Additional features of OneNote will be explored on the OneNote page within the T4L website. Class Notebook allows the teacher to easily distribute handouts or pages to individual students or groups that you create. You can even choose to distribute the page to a different notebook. Within Class Notebook, click on the menu tab Class Notebook in the middle of the screen. Make sure the section and page you wish to distribute are selected. In the ribbon underneath the Class Notebook heading, click the Distribute Page drop-down arrow. You can select whether you want to distribute an entire page to everyone, certain individual students, or to groups of students.

For this example, I will distribute a page to all students. On the right-hand side of the screen, select which section of the student notebooks you wish to place the page, and then click Distribute. A notification will appear telling you once the pages have been copied. To add or remove sections from all student notebooks, click the manage button in the ribbon. In the middle of the screen, click the trash button next to the existing notebook section to remove it. Click Save to permanently delete all pages in that section. Tick the checkbox, then click Delete. To add a section, click the plus icon next to Add section. Give it a name, and then click Save. A teacher can also lock the collaboration space. This prevents students from making any unnecessary changes. Simply toggle the switch under the heading Lock Collaboration Space.

[End of transcript]

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