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Transcript of 'Microsoft Whiteboard - Creating a template' video

This is the transcript of  'Microsoft Whiteboard - Creating a template' video.

Speaker 1:

Hi there. In this video, we will look at creating and using templates in Microsoft Whiteboard. Open Microsoft Whiteboard and create a new whiteboard. Design your template with things like sticky notes, shapes, and headings. At the bottom of the screen, click the three dots and select Templates. Choose My templates. Click on Create new template, and give your template a name, then click Save. Whenever you go into My templates, you will see your template. To use it, simply open a New whiteboard, navigate to My templates, and click on Use this template. To share your template with someone else, click the three dots and choose the necessary share permissions. Click the link and paste it in a chat or a conversation window, or place it on a custom website, like a Google site or SharePoint.

[End of transcript]

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