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Transcript of 'Access and navigation' video

This is the transcript of the Access and navigation video.

Speaker 1

Welcome to our tutorial on Google Chat, a versatile communication platform that offers spaces for direct messaging and project collaboration. Being a part of Google Workspace means it offers a high level of security designed to protect sensitive information. Google Chat is available to staff only, and students do not have access to this application.

To access Google Chat, navigate to staff portal and select Google Workspace. From here, you can access Google Chat alongside all the other Google Workspace tools. Once launched, you're greeted by a clean interface designed for ease of navigation. The main screen is organised into distinct sections, including a navigation pane on the left of the screen for quick access to shortcuts, highlighting the at mentions and starred messages, direct messages, as well as spaces for team collaboration.

Search bar is located at the top of the screen, and it allows for quick information retrieval using keywords with additional ability to filter the search. You can filter the search by who it's from, by whether it's a direct chat or a particular space conversation, by date, by types of files attached, by types of linked documents, as well as by looking through the chats where you have been at mentioned. By default, the search will only look for chats you are a part of. Unticking this box will include searches in all public DoE Google Chat spaces.

Moving to the right of the screen is the status tab. You can set your status to be Automatic, Do not disturb, set as Away, or you can set a custom status message by clicking on the Add Status option next to the pencil icon.

Clicking on the cog icon will open up the settings manual. Here, you can manage notifications to ensure you are alerted about new messages in a way that suits you. You can set the sound and email alerts; turn autocorrect Smart Reply, and Smart Compose on or off; as well as change the appearance of the chat. Stay tuned for more videos on Google Tools.

End of transcript.

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