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Transcript of 'Direct message' video

This is the transcript of the Direct message video.

Speaker 1

Welcome to our tutorial on starting a direct message with an individual or a group in Google Chat. To start a chat, click the New chat button in the top left-hand corner. Then search for a contact by name or an email address. Select one or more names by clicking on them, and then click the blue Start chat button. The new message page will open with the contacts name listed at the top and the chat box at the bottom of the screen. You can type your message in the chat box and personalise it by clicking on the icons to the right. Here you can format your message, add emojis, gifs, upload files, and add a video meeting link. Clicking on the plus sign to the left of the chat box allows you to quickly add files from your drive, as well as create calendar invites. To send your a message, click on the blue arrow head to the right of the chat box.

Hovering over a message will bring up a popup menu, which will enable you to acknowledge a message with a thumbs up or by adding an emoji reaction. You can also quote a message in a reply and mark it as unread. If you are the sender of a message, you have an additional option of clicking on the pencil icon to edit the message. Clicking on the three dots opens up an additional set of options. Here you can star the message, copy a link to the message, as well as add the message to the tasks list. If you are the sender, you'll also be able to delete a message here. While in the chat, you can start an instant video call by clicking on the camera icon in the top right-hand corner. You can also use the pop-out icon to minimise the conversation.

Clicking on the ellipsis next to the direct message on the left of the screen enables you to mark the messages as unread, pin the messages, mute them, and you can also manage notifications from here. The options are notify always or notifications off. This will still allow you to see messages if you have been @ mentioned. Other options include blocking, hiding, or deleting conversations. Additional settings can be accessed by clicking on the contact's name at the top of the screen. Here you can view members, which can be handy for group chats. You can start a new chat with an existing group and add additional people to the chat, and you can also turn off history, which means that messages will be deleted 24 hours after they have been posted. To learn more about creating collaborative spaces in Google Chat, see the next video in our series.

End of transcript.

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