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Transcript of the 'Collaborative spaces' video

This is the transcript of the Collaborative spaces video.

Speaker 1

Welcome to our tutorial on creating collaborative spaces in Google Chat. To create a Google Chat space, click New chat button in the top left-hand corner and then select Create a space. You will be prompted to give your space a name and set it as either Collaboration or an Announcement space. You can also decide to keep your space private with access to added members only, or open it up to all of the Department of Education members. You can allow access to people external to DoE by ticking Allow external members to join ticker box. This option is only available before the space has been created. To finish creating a space, click Create.

Once set up, you will be able to click on the name of the space at the top of the page to manage members and notifications, access the settings, find a link to share this space, as well as turn chat history on or off. To add members, click on Manage members and then select the plus button on the top right of the screen. Search for people to add them individually or use the school code to add groups that have been created for your school.

To manage access and member permissions, select Space settings. Here you can change the access from private to open to all DoE staff. And you can also change the member permissions. Make sure you click Save once the changes have been made.

Clicking on either the name of the space or the three dots next to the name of the space to the left of the screen allows you to mark space messages as unread, pin the messages, mute them, as well as manage notifications settings. Options include; all, which means you will receive notifications for new messages and replies to threads you follow, following, which means that you will be notified for replies to threads you follow and add mentions and off. You can also leave or block the space here.

The space has two tabs at the top of the screen, a Chat tab and a Shared tab, which allows for upload of collaborative documents. Clicking on the Add button allows you to add files from your drive or upload files from the device.

Files and images shared in the chat space will be stored here too and can easily be added to your drive by clicking on the three dots and selecting Add to drive. Hovering over a message in spaces will bring up a pop-up menu similar to the one in direct messaging chat, with the addition of adding a conversation to side thread by clicking on the spool icon and also seeing the number of views for the messages. You can search for particular threads within a space by clicking on the spool icon in the top right of the screen.


End of transcript.

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