Technology 4 Learning

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Transcript of the 'Canva Single Sign-on - for teachers' video

This is the transcript for 'Canva Single Sign-on - for teachers' video.

Speaker 1:

Canva's single sign-on is now available for teachers. This one-click access is really easy to use. Here we are looking at a sample teacher dashboard in the portal. You can find Canva as an app and add it to My Essentials. We're simply going to click through now directly to Canva, and what we'll see is this teacher's dashboard and their accounts. This sample teacher's initials are LT, top right. Top left, we can see that they're part of Palm Tree Central School. So you'll be taken to your account, and you are already grouped within your school. So if you are wanting to set up a class, we're going to jump down here at the bottom left to create a class, and we are going to call it the Year 4 Eco Project for want of a better term. Hit 'continue'.

We are going to go up here to the top right, and we're going to invite our students with an invite link. Now, you can share this via email, or you can also share it directly through Google Classrooms or Teams. So jumping out of there, I'm just going to show you something we prepared earlier using a storybook template. This one's called At Home with Energy. We are going to use this template and share this out as an assignment for that class that we've just set up. So simply jumping up here to share, the 'share' button you'll be familiar with. We are going to choose the option 'assignment'. We are going to choose where we want our students to submit the work and how, and you can see those other options are there. In this case, we're going to use Canva. We are going to share it as a new design for each student. We are going to add our instructions we needed, and we are going to select that group of students that we've just set this up for. It's the Year 4 Eco project, and we're going to publish it out.

So if we go to our homepage, in a perfect world, our students have done the work. They've already sent us their replies and given us feedback, and we'll be notified up here. We are going to get the option back to review the student's work and give them feedback. So up here at the top right, we've got the option to give them the feedback on the work that they've submitted and then go from there. So we've covered a few things, the single sign-on process and actually using a template and sharing it out as an assignment. Watch for the next video on the student experience of this process.

[End of transcript]

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