This is the transcript of the 'Canva Brand Kit set up' video.
Speaker 1
Canva for Education Foundations. Branding Toolkit setup.
Setting up the branding toolkit for your school's Canva team is a great way to manage your school's visual identity efficiently, helping ensure that all content aligns with your chosen branding guidelines. The branding kit includes logos, colour schemes, font styles, and other elements, useful for maintaining a consistent and professional appearance across all designs.
Access to become a brand designer for your school is done via a request process. To request access, simply navigate to the Canva for Education page within the T4L website and look for the Canva branding section. Or log an online ticket via EDConnect.
Once access has been granted, you are ready to begin setting up your toolkit. There are a few things that you'll want to have prepared before beginning the process. Firstly, discuss with school leadership. Ensure you have discussed the different elements of the brand kit with your school leadership, including colour choices, fonts, and what graphics and images are to be included within the brand kit. Next, gather your resources. This includes any school logos, images, graphics, or fonts that will be useful when staff are creating content within Canva.
Now we are ready to create our brand kit. Ensure you are in your school's Canva team by checking the team name in the top left of the screen. Then from the Canva landing page within the sidebar, locate the brand tab. If this is the first time a brand kit is being set up, you may get a pop-up window. Click the purple Set up Brand Kit button to get started. If you have an existing brand kit or have previously closed the pop-up window, look for the Add new button in the top right corner.
The first step is to name your brand kit. Use a naming convention that will suit your school and that will make sense to all staff. Once named, you'll be taken to your brand kit setup page with all the elements of your brand kit listed down the left-hand side. A great place to start is by uploading your school logo. You can either click the cloud icon to select an image, or simply click and drag your logo directly into the logos section.
You'll notice that some colours have automatically been drawn from your school logo and offered for you to keep within the colours section. If you're happy with the colours, click the Keep button. You can then decide to add or remove any extra colours using the plus icon. Use the colour selector to find just the right colour. And don't forget to explore the gradient option for an interesting colour mix.
Fonts are the next option where you can select some default fonts for different text types, like a title, heading, or the body of a text. Use the Add new button to add a new text style or to upload a custom font file.
Brand voice is a section where you can add an example of the style of writing your school uses. This can be drawn on by Canva's Magic Write and can help any AI-created content align with your school's vocab and language style.
Photos. This is a great place to upload any professionally taken or promo photos that your school may want to use in designs.
Graphics. This could be any graphic designs, mascot images, or posters that have been designed or developed for your school.
And finally, Icons, for any icons that are used regularly within your designs.
You don't necessarily need to add items to every section within the brand kit. To begin with, adding a logo and some colours is a great place to start. Once set up, all members of your Canva team will now be able to see and use the brand content from the styles and brand section of any design they create within your school's Canva team.
Canva for Education. What will you design today?
[End of transcript]