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Transcript of 'Introduction to Keynote' video

This is the transcript of the 'Introduction to Keynote' video.

Speaker 1:

Keynote is a powerful application that enables users to create impressive, stimulating presentations. Today, we are going to look at Keynote on an iPad. Look for this symbol to open Keynote. Alternatively, you can search for the application. Open the application. The presentation manager will open first. This is where you can revise what presentations you have previously worked on and where they are saved. To create new presentations, select the create presentation button or look for the plus icon in the toolbar.

You'll be prompted to choose a theme or start an outline. An outline will allow you to create the structure of your slides in the early stages without being distracted by the visual aspects. The theme will allow you to create a presentation, but utilise the theme's colours, text and layout options, which can all be customised to suit your needs. For this demonstration, I will use a theme. I'm going to use the bold colour theme. Now we have a presentation. Let's take a look at the toolbar. The first icon that you will notice represents a book. This tool will allow you to set up your page to your desired specifications. To exit any open menu, simply tap anywhere else on the screen.

Next, you'll notice the presentation name. Click this and it will allow you to manage the presentation and update its name. In the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, you'll find a plus icon. Here, you'll be able to add further slides to your design. You will notice a play button on the toolbar. This will allow you to place your presentation into presenter mode. The table icon allows you to insert pre-made tables to represent data. This can be adjusted and personalised once it is inserted into the presentation by clicking on the table and selecting format.

The next category allows you to insert graphs that can also be adjusted to reflect your own data. To do this, simply click the graph and select edit data. Formatting can also be adjusted underneath the format menu. Under the shapes menu, you'll notice multiple categories to insert shapes, objects, icons, and cliparts. You can quickly search for these using the search icon within the drop-down menu. Once inserted, the colour of these can be adjusted. In this menu, you will also be able to insert text boxes to specific areas of your presentation, giving you further design control.

Next is the insert media menu. You'll notice multiple forms of media can be inserted into the presentation, and you can also take live media using the camera function. You'll also notice a drawing option. This will allow you to use the whiteboarding and markup tools to create a digital drawing which can be inserted into your presentation as an image. A very important icon is the paintbrush, which will open the formatting menus for selected text, media or objects. Simply select the component you would like to format, then select the paintbrush and navigate through the various options to adjust.

The options will be varied for different types of components selected. If no object is selected, the format button will allow you to customise your presentation theme further. The next icon in our toolbar is the sharing menu. From here, you can share the presentation in many different ways. You can also export the presentation as a PowerPoint, film, or even as a PDF document. You can also send using the same sharing options. Presentations can also be saved to the device storage or to cloud storage platforms such as OneDrive or Google Drive.

The ellipsis menu will show some extra settings and options. From within this menu, you can also customise your toolbar to include tools you may frequently use. You'll find there are tools in this menu that are very useful in creating designs such as copying styles, locking objects in place, or grouping objects together as one. In this ellipsis menu, you will also see an animate option, which will help you take your presentation to the next level with engaging actions added to your slides, text, or media. The final icon in the toolbar allows you to change between editing of your presentation to an audience view. This will restrict unnecessary edits when being viewed by an audience member. Why not get creating on your next presentation in Keynote today?

[End of transcript]

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