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Transcript of 'Sending students to an app' video

This is the transcript of the "Sending students to an app" video.

Speaker 1:

Hi there. Through Apple Classroom, teachers can send students to a specific application from their own device using the open function. For this to occur, the student needs to have the application you are wishing to open on their device already installed. To send your whole class to a specific application, tap or click on the open button in the top left-hand corner of the teacher screen. From here, you may be prompted to choose whether students are using iPads or Macs. In this instance, we are going to choose iPads.

Take note of the lock-in app feature at the bottom of the menu. Your students might find this particularly useful. This will allow you to lock down a particular application on the student's devices. Select the application which you would like the students to enter. From here, the selected application will now open on the student's device. If you would like to send an individual class member to a specific application, select the student's name on the teacher's screen. From the menu, click or tap the open button, tap the application you would like the students to go to once again. Then the selected application will now open on the student's iPad.

[End of transcript]

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