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Transcript of the Adobe Express - Graphics

This is the transcript for 'Adobe Express - Graphics' video.

Speaker 1:

You can use Adobe Express to make stunning graphics, presentations, flyers, posters, and infographics. Before you watch this video, make sure you've watched the Adobe Express overview video in this series so you have a complete understanding of the dashboard and workspace.

Starting from the Adobe Express dashboard, you will see a few ways to start creating your graphic. You can select Create a graphic to open a portrait-shaped document. You can hit the purple plus to choose from a few standard sized graphics, or select Custom size, or you can type some keywords into the search bar in the top middle of the window. You will find a range of templates and more will be revealed if you tap View all to the right of the templates. When you find a template that you like the look of, select it and hit Customise template. By selecting an existing text box, you can change the text.

To the left of the workspace, you will notice you have the option to alter the font type, style, size, alignment, and spacing. Further down, you can change the layout of the text, the colour, the line thickness, and more. You can even animate it. To delete text, right-click and select Delete, or simply just hit delete on your keyboard. To add new text, select the Text icon from the far-left menu and hit Add your text. You can also select from styles below or search for specific text options.

When you select an image, you will notice the image editing panel appear to the left. You have editing functions such as crop, opacity and other effects. At the top of the panel, you will notice that you can erase certain parts of an image or remove the background. Generative fill allows you to colour part of the image and replace it with an AI-generated object. To add a new image, select the Media icon on the far-left menu. You have three options, you can Upload from your own device, use Text to image, which is another generative AI tool, or you can Search the extensive Adobe stock library without worrying about copyright guidelines.

Simply select the image you like and it will appear in your design. Once in the design, you can move your image by dragging, resize it by dragging from the corner, and crop it by using the handles on the horizontal and vertical sidelines. The circular arrow will allow you to change the angle of your image, and a double tap will allow you to move the image within the frame. Right-clicking any element, image or text will provide more options such as moving forwards or backwards, duplicating and locking in place. The plus icon in the far right corner will allow you to add more pages, and the bin next to it allows you to delete them.

All changes will save themselves automatically. You will find your Download and Share options in the top right-hand corner of the window. Choose if you'd like it saved as a PDF or an image file, or if you have animations, you can choose an MP4 video file. Select Download, and finally, choose where you'd like it saved and select Save. Such an easy way to create stunning graphics in no time.

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