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Transcript of Loop - what is it and how to access it

This is the transcript of the "Microsoft Loop - what is it and how to access it" video.

Speaker 1:

Hi there. In this video, we will look at how to access Microsoft Loop and how to begin using it.

Loop is a great way to share and collaborate ideas with everyone in your chat, email, or document where they can edit inline and see changes as they're made. There are three elements within Microsoft Loop; Loop Components, Loop Pages, and Loop Workspaces.

A Loop Workspace is a shared space allowing you and others who are part of the workspace to see and group everything that's important to your task and helps you track progress. Loop Pages are flexible canvases in the Loop app where you can bring together people and all your components, links, tasks, and data. Loop Components are portable pieces of content that stay in sync across all the places they are shared. They can be lists, tables, notes and more shared across Teams, chats and emails, Word and OneNote for the Web, as well as Whiteboard.

Loop can be accessed through Microsoft 365 and clicking the waffle menu, selecting Loop. Here, you can access all Loop Workspaces that have been created for teams of users as well as pages and components that are created in other Microsoft 365 apps. To create a new Loop Workspace, click the purple plus icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen, give it a name, and type in the names or emails of those you wish to access the workspace. You can also send a link at a later stage. Click Continue, add a description for the workspace, and then click Create Workspace.

Once your new workspace is created, a new Loop page is ready to be collaborated in. You can create additional Loop pages by clicking the purple plus icon on the left-hand side of the screen next to your Loop Workspace name and selecting New Page. Simply begin typing inside of your Loop page or choose one of the many templates suggested in the gallery which may suit your needs. By pressing the forward slash button on your keyboard, it allows you to include different types of Loop components, textiles, templates, and more.

To share a Loop Workspace or simply a page link, in the top right-hand corner of the screen, click Share. Choose from either the entire workspace where others can be invited in to access the whole workspace, a single page within the workspace as a link, or embed the Loop page into a compatible Microsoft 365 app such as Outlook, Teams, or Whiteboard.

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